Orange County NC Website
do,a~r ~~ d, Orange County Health Department <br />b° <br />u sx <br />Jonathan E.' Klein, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Health <br />Richard E. Whiffed Human Services Center <br />300 W. Tryon Street, P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, N.C. 27278 <br />Telephone: (919) 245-2411 Fax: (919) 644-3007 <br />Rosemary L. Summers, MPH, DrPH Janet FI. Southerland, Vice Chair <br />Health Director Orange Courtly Board of Health <br />O,^~~ {tp~~' <br />~ ~ A <br />C ~0 ~ <br />~e w <br />P ~$ <br />a <br />o~ <br /> rwmew+x~ <br />Southern Human Service Center <br />2501 Homestead Road <br />Chapel Hill, N:C. 27516 <br />May 22, 2001 Telephone: (919) 968-2022 Fax: (919) 968-2013 <br />To: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Through: John Link, County Manager <br />From: Rosemary Summers, Health Director <br />Re: L & W Mobile Home Pazk <br />This letter is to ask your assistance in expediting a matter that has public implications for a group <br />of residents of Orange County. Earlier this month, the Board of Health heard an appal by L & <br />W Enterprises, Inc. regarding the order by Environmental. Health to vacate fourteen spaces in the <br />L & W Mobile Home Pazk by May 19, 2001. Tom Konsler, the Environmental Health <br />Supervisor sent this notice after confirmation that raw sewage continues to surface and pond on <br />the ground. This order was in addition to the seven spaces that were vacated in an earlier order. <br />In an eazlier memorandum to you dated. March 13, we reported that all seven of the residents in <br />the first order had found alternate housing. Anew order to vacate an additional fourteen spaces <br />by May 19, 2001 was sent to Mr. Wayne Paschall of L & W Enterprises on Mazch 19, 2001 by <br />Environmental Health. The residents of the mobile home pazk were notified the same day the <br />order was sent to Mr. Paschall. Robert Hornik, attorney far L & W Enterprises, filed an appeal <br />on that order on Apri117, 2001. Board of Health Hearing Officers heard the appeal on Apri130 <br />and reported to the Boazd of Health at its regular meeting on May 17, 2001. During this appeal <br />process, the date required for action (in this case vacating the fourteen spaces) is suspended for <br />the period of the appeal. Once the Board of Health makes a final determination on the appeal, a <br />new date to vacate would be based on the remaining time in the original order. In this case that <br />would be approximately 30 days. <br />In L & W's appeal, they requested additional time to "finalize whatever arrangements or <br />agreements must be made between those municipal entities [Orange County and the City of <br />Durham] to allow the extension of Durham's sanitary sewer system to serve the areas of Orange <br />County which includes the mobile home park." L & W maintained at the hearing that Mr. <br />Paschall, as the owner of the mobile home park, is willing to finance the construction of the <br />connection. Ix1 addition, Mr. Paschall maintains that vacating the fourteen spaces as ordered by <br />Environmental.Health will make the mobile home park financially unfeasible to maintain and <br />that he would be forced to close the entire park. <br />At my request, Paul Thames has been in contact with Katherine Kalb of Durham to clarify the <br />process and to verify the possibility of connection in this regazd. Mr. Thames reported that there <br />is no apparent barrier to connection other than securing the appropriate governmental approvals <br />and the financing of the force main and lift station by the owner of the mobile home pazk. <br />Chapel Hill Durham Mebane <br />(919) 968-4501 (919) 685-7333 (336) 227-2031 <br />