Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AAFE32EB-3612-44B8-910E-458C8D248047 <br /> ■ Set goals for overcoming the effects of contributing factors as prioritized above. For <br /> each goal, identify one or more contributing factors that the goal is designed to <br /> address, describe how the goal relates to overcoming the identified contributing <br /> factor(s) and related fair housing issue(s), and identify the metrics and milestones <br /> for determining what fair housing results will be achieved. (For instance, where <br /> segregation in a development or geographic area is determined to be a fair housing <br /> issue, with at least one significant contributing factor, the Al should include one or <br /> more goals to reduce the segregation.) <br /> 5. Strategies and Actions <br /> o To implement goals and priorities in the Al, strategies and actions shall be included in <br /> consolidated plans. Strategies and actions must affirmatively further fair housing and may <br /> include, but are not limited to, enhancing mobility strategies and encouraging development <br /> of new affordable housing in areas of opportunity, as well as place-based strategies to <br /> encourage community revitalization, including preservation of existing affordable housing, <br /> including HUD-assisted housing. <br /> 6. Summary of Community Participation <br /> o The Al must include a concise summary of the community participation process, public <br /> comments, and efforts made to broaden community participation in the development of <br /> the Al; a summary of the comments,views, and recommendations, received in writing, or <br /> orally at public hearings, during the community participation process; and a summary of any <br /> comments, views, and recommendations not accepted by the program participant and the <br /> reasons for non-acceptance. <br /> 7. Additional Requirements <br /> o All deliverables, processes, and planning methods must be developed in accordance with <br /> HUD rules and regulations <br /> o The selected consultant will assist with any modifications required by HUD if any of the final <br /> deliverables are not approved upon initial submission <br /> o The selected consultant must respond to all requests from Department staff in a timely <br /> manner <br /> o All project deliverables must be consistent in the overall vision, goals and objectives <br /> Contract Duration <br /> Consultant will begin providing services to the County starting on March 16, 2020. The Specific Tasks <br /> outlined above will be completed on or before May 1, 2020. <br /> Compensation <br /> Total payments to the Consultant will not exceed $10,000. In accordance with 24 CFR § 92.207, the Orange <br /> County HOME Consortium may expend, for payment of reasonable administrative and planning costs of the <br /> HOME program, an amount of HOME funds that is not more than ten (10) percent of the sum of the Fiscal <br /> Year HOME basic formula allocation. Based on this guidance, the maximum administrative cost rate for this <br /> project is ten (10) percent. <br /> 10 <br />