Orange County NC Website
<br />Orange County Page 3 <br />Needs Assessment Project <br />• Organizational Charts <br />• Application software <br />• User equipment <br />• Communication network <br />• Prior needs analysis study <br />Ste 3: Reviewed SBS standard functionali databases. <br />SBS maintains numerous databases containing lists of standard functionality for various <br />functional applications. The databases utilized in this project were related to the each <br />subsystem within the scope of this project. These databases, along with the prior <br />collected information, serve as a foundation far generating focused scripts to be used <br />during the interview sessions. <br />Ste 4: Conducted meetin s with Directors and ersonnel from rime de artments. <br />These meetings were designed to collect information on the functional needs required by <br />the primary departments. As the heaviest users of these systems, the personnel from <br />these departments provided insight into the majority of the identified system needs. <br />Steps: Held cross-functional interviews with key operational personnel. <br />The intent of these interviews was to identify needed functionality from the viewpoint of <br />users outside the primary functional departments. This process identified bath redundant <br />and unique needs. _ Often, the discussions uncovered interdepartmental issues that <br />revealed the need for additional functionality. <br />Step.G: Delivered preliminary findings to departments for initial review and feedback. <br />Since the purpose of this project identify the specific functionality needed of each <br />system, it was necessary to request feedback from the primary departments on the listings <br />of needs. The lists were also prioritized based on the perceived level of need, as <br />expressed by all interviewed personnel. The departments were requested to evaluate <br />these stated priorities and make recommendations for any desired changes. <br />Step 7: Met with Business Systems„Management Team to review feedback. <br />This meeting was held to provide the Management Team with the opportunity to share <br />their department's feedback with SBS and the rest of the team members. This <br />information has been integrated into this final report. <br />