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<br />Funds for Phase I are available within the 2000-2001 Emergency Management operating budget. <br />Phase II costs will be shared by the public safety agencies affected by the study. <br />The RFP was advertised via newspaper and the County's Website, in addition to being mailed to <br />twenty-seven (27) prospective firms. The following four firms responded: <br />• CTA, Lynchburg, Virginia <br />Frederick Griffin, Lynchburg, Virginia <br />• L. Robert Kimball, Raleigh, NC <br />• RCC, Richmond, Virginia <br />An evaluation team comprised of representatives from Orange County Emergency Management and <br />Information System Departments, Orange County Sheriff, UNC-CH Police, Chapel Hill Fire, Carrboro <br />Fire and Hillsborough Police Department participated in the evaluation process, which included <br />interviews with all four firms. Firms were evaluated on criteria such as their previous experience, <br />qualifications of individuals who would be assigned to this project, comprehensiveness of their respons <br />to the RFP, number of hours proposed far the work and the associated cost. <br />The number of hours estimated by the respondents to accomplish the work ranged from 350 to 2,007. <br />Costs quoted by the respondents ranged from $67,950 to $253,721. <br />Based on the aforementioned criteria, the evaluation team unanimously recommends CTA of <br />Lynchburg, Virginia at a cost of .$57,236 (estimated 588 hours) for Phase I and $148,054 (estimated <br />1,419 hours) for Phase II (total 2007 hours for $205,290). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost for Phase I, if approved by the Board, would be $57,236. Sufficient <br />funds are available within the FY 2000-2001 EMS budget for this action. <br />Phase II funding will be sought from the public safety agencies affected by the study. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1.) Award Phase I to CTA of Lynchburg, Virginia in the amount of $57,236; and <br />2.) Approve a contract pursuant to the terms of the RFP contingent upon Attorney and Staff review; anc <br />3.) Authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board; and <br />4.) Further the Manager recommends that the Board award Phase II of the RFP to CTA of Lynchburg <br />Virginia, contingent upon sufficient funds being made available by the public safety agencies <br />affected by the study. <br />