Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:2E2387F3-3A58-44C5-A8FF-30C659A8AB71 <br /> 1) Cleaning and readjusting the sluice gate stem guides; <br /> 2) Lubricating the grease fittings on the existing gate actuator; <br /> 3) Cleaning and lubricating the upper stem/screw (above/inside the actuator); <br /> 4) Opening (and then properly re-sealing) the exterior case of the top-slab mounted gate <br /> actuator to evaluate whether moisture is present inside the actuator, clean and lubricate <br /> any/all accessible parts inside the actuator prior to re-sealing the exterior case; <br /> 5) Test operating all cleaned and lubricated hardware; <br /> 6) Obtaining written approval by the Orange County Staff Engineer that the work has been <br /> satisfactorily completed as described herein. <br /> D. The installation and operation/testing work described above (Scope Description Items B <br /> and C) shall be completed in one day (8-hours) or less to minimize Provider remobilization <br /> fees and the need for an additional standby rescue team. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />