Orange County NC Website
S <br />Conclusion <br />The Orange County Capital Needs Advisory Task Force is recommending an $85 <br />million bond package that includes funding for three new, schools: <br />Orange County Schools <br />• middle school <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />• elementary school #9 <br />• elementary school #10 <br />The proposed bond package also includes funds for OCS for renovations at Orange <br />High School and Hillsborough Elementary and funds for expansion of the Central <br />Offices. Funds are included for CHCCS for renovations for older schools and facilities, <br />for expansion at Chapel HiII.High School, and for land purchase and planning for a third <br />high school. The recommendation also includes funds for additional park and <br />recreation facilities, for Lands Legacy acquisitions, for senior centers, and affordable <br />housing. <br />Due to the consensus reached by the Task Force members, there is no minority report from <br />the Task Force and there are no additional written comments from any Task Force <br />members. <br />