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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1377763D-11F6-48F1-9874-31394A81330810 <br /> Policy 6304KO89149 <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br /> THIS ENDORSMENT CHANGES THE POLCY.PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY <br /> BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br /> (CONTRACTORS) <br /> This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following. <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br /> COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY-CONTRACTORS COVERAGE PART <br /> iy WHO IS AN INSURED -- {Section It) is drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, <br /> amended to include any person or field orders, change orders,or drawings <br /> organization you are required to Include as an and specifications;and <br /> additional insured on this policy by a written <br /> contract or written agreement in effect during ii) Supervisory or inspection activitles <br /> this policy period and signed and executed by performed as part of any related <br /> you prior to the loss for which coverage is architectural or engineering activities. <br /> sought. The person or organization does not <br /> qualify as an additional insured with respect to c] This insurance does not apply to 'bodily <br /> the independent acts or omissions of such injury" or "property damage" caused by <br /> person or organization. The person or your work" included in the 'product-,- <br /> organization Is only an additlonai insured with completed operations hazard" unless you <br /> respect to liability caused by "your work" for are required to provide such coverage for <br /> that additional insured. the additional insured by a written contract <br /> or written agreement in effect during this <br /> 2) The insurance provided to the additional policy period and signed and executed by <br /> insured is limited as follows: you prior to the loss for which coverage is <br /> sought and then only for the period of time <br /> a) In the event that the limits of llability stated required by such contract or agreement and <br /> in the policy exceed the limits of liability in no event beyond the expiration date of the <br /> required by a written contract or written policy. <br /> agreement in effect during this policy <br /> period and signed and executed by you 3) Subpart (1)(a) of the Pollution exclusion under <br /> prior to the Ross for which coverage is Paragraph 2., Exclusions of Bodily Injury and <br /> sought, the Insurance provided by this Property Damage Liability Coverage(Section I— <br /> endorsement shalt be limited to the limits Coverages) does not apply to you If the 'bodily <br /> of liability required by such contract or injury or"property damage" arises out of"your <br /> agreement. This endorsement shall not work' performed on premises which are owned <br /> increase the Ilmits stated in Section III- or rented by the additional insured at the time <br /> LIMITS OF INSURANCE. your work'is performed. <br /> b) The insurance provided to the additional 4) Any coverage provided by this endorsement to <br /> insured does not apply to"bodily injury*or an additional insured shall be excess over any <br /> 'advertising injury' arising out of an other valid and collectible insurance available to <br /> architect's, engineer's or surveyor's the additional insured whether primary, excess, <br /> rendering of or failure to render any contingent or on any other basis unless a written <br /> professional services including: contract or written agreement in effect during <br /> this policy period and signed and executed by <br /> i) The preparing, approving or failing to you prior to the loss for which coverage is <br /> prepare or approve maps, shop sought specifically requires that this insurance <br /> Copyright,The Travelers Indemnity Company, 2002 CG a2 46 10 02 <br />