Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 13777B3D-1 1 F6-48F1-9874-3B94A8B3081 0 <br /> determined in step 5 above. <br /> 7. Provide a statement of probable construction cost <br /> 8. Submit plan to the county for approval <br /> Phase 3 - Bidding and Construction Phase <br /> 9. Assist the City with Advertising and Bidding as requested <br /> 10. Assist the City with public meetings as requested <br /> 11. If requested, provide construction management and inspection services during <br /> construction of these repair <br /> We propose providing the Design Phase Services (Items 5-8) for a fixed fee of$12,600. Items <br /> under Phase 3 would be billed at hourly rates but the estimated costs for Items 9-10 are listed <br /> below: <br /> Items 9 and 10: $2,160 for engineering support <br /> Item 11: $8,640 for engineering support & construction <br /> administration/management; $30,000 for inspection services. <br /> We look forward to assisting you with this project. Please let me know if you have any <br /> questions or if I can provide additional information. <br /> Regards, <br /> Summit Design and Engineering Services <br /> Wes Taylor, PE <br /> Senior Structural Engineer <br />