Orange County NC Website
i 1 ~ - <br />i <br />premises. Authorized County representatives will be <br />permitted by the user to access the user's property in <br />order to inspect, as needed, portions of the County's <br />system located on the premises of the user. <br />E. The user will be responsible for the <br />cost of necessary repairs or replacement of lost or damaged <br />property of the County which is part of the System or used <br />in the operation and maintenance of the System which repair <br />or replacement is caused by ar results from the negligence <br />or wrongful act of the user, the user's agents or <br />employees. Likewise any damage or injury to persons or <br />property which occurs on the premises of the user and which <br />is caused by or results from the negligence or wrongful act <br />of the user will be the sole responsibility of the user. <br />F. The amount of any such loss or damage <br />or the cost of repairs or replacements will be, when <br />applicable, added as a charge to the user's account which <br />charge will be added in full to the user's next statement <br />unless other arrangements are made which are satisfactory <br />to the County. <br />IX. EXTENSIONS OF THE SYSTEM <br />System extensions to serve undeveloped land <br />may occur, but only as follows: <br />A. All such extensions must be consistent <br />21 <br />,~ <br />