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Homeland Security Presidential Directive/I-ISPD-5 <br />and (c1 ) <br />(o) inserting ", Homeland Security" after "State" in the first sentence of section 6 <br />Technical and Conforming Amendments to Homeland Security Presidential Directive-3 (HSPD-3) <br />(24) The Homeland Security Act of 2002 assigned the responsibility for administering the Homeland Security <br />Advisory System to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Accordingly, HSPD-3 of March 1 1, 2002 ("Homeland <br />Security Advisory System") is amended as follows: <br />(a) replacing the third sentence of the second paragraph entitled "Homeland Security Advisory System" with <br />"Except in exigent circumstances, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall seek the views of the Attorney <br />General, and any other federal agency heads the Secretary deems appropriate, including other members of the <br />Homeland Security Council, on the Threat Condition to be assigned." <br />(b) inserting "At the request of the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice shall permit and <br />facilitate the use of delivery systems administered or managed by the Department of Justice for the purposes of <br />delivering threat information pursuant to the Homeland Security Advisory System." as a new paragraph after the <br />fifth paragraph of the section entitled "Homeland Security Advisory System." <br />(c) inserting ", the Secretary of Homeland Security" after "The Director of Central Intelligence" in the first sentence <br />of the seventh paragraph of the section entitled "Homeland Security Advisory System". <br />(d) striking "Attorney General" wherever it appears (except in the sentences referred to in subsections (a) and (c) <br />above), and inserting "the Secretary of Homeland Security" in lieu thereof; and <br />(e) striking the section entitled "Comment and Review Periods." <br />GEORGE W. BUSH <br />### <br />Return to this article at: <br />http: //www.whiteh o u se_ gov/news/releases/2D 03/02.120030228-9. htm l <br />Click to Print '~'j <br />this document ~~% <br />http://www.whitehouse_gov/news/releases/200.3/02/print/20030228-9.htm1 6/3/2005 <br />