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<br />_: ':; <br />lI <br />the report shall be filed with the Local Govermneat Commission when (or prior to) submitting dte invoice for the services <br />rendered. All copies of the report submitted ~. The report of audit as Bled with the Secretary of the Local <br />Government Commission, becomes a matter of public record for inspection and revieatr in the offices of the Secretary by any <br />interested parties. Any subsequent revisions to these reports must be sent to the Secretory of the Local Government Commission. ' <br />These audited £nancial statements aro used in She preparation of Official Statements far debt offerings, by municipal bond rating <br />services, and to fulfill secondary market disclosure requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission. <br />12. Should circum6lance5 disclosed by the audit call for a more detailed investigation by the Auditor than necessary under ordinary <br />circumstances, the Auditor shall inform the Governing Board in writing of the need for such additional investigation and the <br />additional compensation required therefor. Upon approval by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, this <br />agreement may be varied or changed to include the increased time and/or compensation as maybe agreed upon by the Governing <br />Board and the Auditor. <br />13. If an approved contract needs m be varied or changed for any reason, the change must be reduced m writing, signed by both <br />parties, preaudited if necessary, and submitted m the Secretary of the Local Government Commission far approval. <br />14. Whenever the Auditor uses an engagement letter with the client, Item 15 may be completed by referencing the engagemWrt letter <br />and attaching a copy of the cngagrunent letter to the wntract m inanrporate the engagement letter into the contract, In case of <br />conflict between the terms of the engagement letter and the terms of this contract, the terms of this contract will control. <br />Engagement letter terms are deemed m 6e void unless the conflicting terms of this contract are specifically deleted in Item 21 of <br />this contract. Engagement letters containing indemnification clauses will not be approved by the Local Govemtttent Commission. <br />15.. There are no special provisions except: <br />Attachments A&B <br />16. A separate contract sh°uld not be made for eavh division m be audited or report to be submitted. A separate contract must be <br />executed for each component unit which is a local government and for which a separate audit report is issued. <br />17. The wntract §Itvuld be executed and submitted in Licata to the Seta'etary of the Local Govettunent Commission, 325 North <br />• Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1385. <br />18. Upon approval, the original contract will be returned to the Govenunental Uni; a copy will be forwarded to the Audimr, and a <br />copy retained by the Secretary aF the Local Government Commission. 't d the con is <br />SDDiOVed. <br />19. There are no other agreements between the parties herein and no other agreements relative hereto that shall be enforceable unless <br />entered tern in accordance with the procedure net out herein and approved by the Secretary of the Local Government <br />Cotranission. <br />20. if this audit engagement is not subject to Govemmtrrt Auditin~Standardg, then Item 5 shall be listed as a deleted provision in <br />Item 21. An explanation must be given for deleting this provision. <br />21. Ail of the above paragraphs are nndersmod and shall apply to this agreement, except the following numbered paragraphs shall be <br />deleted: (See item 14.) <br />22. Will the audited flaeatdal sffitements be prepared in accordance with GASB Statement No. 34? XES~i NO <br />If the audited flnaacial sffitemmts are prepared ffi accordance with GAS$ Statement No. 34 the references in Item 1 m <br />tiro combining, individual fund, and account group statements shall mean the basic tlnaacial statements, management's <br />discussion and analysis, and required snpplemenffiry statements as defined in GASB Sffitement No. 34. Audltlag <br />procedures applitable to other supplemenffiry schedules are not changed by the lmplementat[oa of GASB Statement <br />No. 34. <br />By Stephen Halkiatis <br />HY_~;~die T• Sgil~ (Please type or print nsme and 't r - <br />(Please type or print name) <br />(Signature of authariaed audit firm represonSativo) <br />bate <br />Approved by the Secromry of the Low] Gavemmeot <br />Corratdssion as provided in Article 3, Chapter 159 of the <br />General 5ffitutes or Artcle 31, Pan 3, Chapter 11 SG of the <br />Gerteral Stanrtcs. <br />(Signature of Mawr or Qp of governing board) <br />Date <br />By l <br />(l'~tairpersan of Audit Corrtmittee (Please type or print name) <br />(Signature Of Audit Cormnittee Chairperson) <br />Fer the Secretary,,Lor:ai Govemmettt Commission <br />(Signature) <br />Date <br />Date / <br />(lf unit does not Nava an audit eommtetae, this seetlon should be <br />rrmrkad "N/A.") <br />This instnmtent has been presudited in the manner required by The <br />Laval Government Budget and fiiswl Control Act or by the School <br />Budget and, Fiscal Con0o1 Act. <br />Governmental Unit Firumce Officer (Please type m print name) <br />(Signature) <br />Date <br />