Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: BA090480-FC7C-4753-AEF2-19BCB43C5FFB <br /> respond to potential claims affecting professional liability for the contract psychiatry services provided. The psychiatrist will let the Orange County psychologist, <br /> LCSW, medical staff, and jail officers know whether there are any specific concerns the psychiatrist recommends be closely monitored. <br /> Ongoing, open collaboration is expected to be the norm among the Orange County psychologist, LCSW,the psychiatrist, and jail medical staff throughout the <br /> provision of psychiatric mental health treatment for inmates in the Orange County Detention Center. <br /> DISCHARGE <br /> The Orange County LCSW will monitor the inmate's legal and custody status, communicate with counsel, and assure that all pertinent medical information, <br /> including prescribed medication, is incorporated into discharge planning as the individual transitions out of the Detention Center. <br /> {00108261.DOCX} <br />