Agenda - 03-24-20; 12-2 - Information Item - MMC Facilitated Conversation about the Greene Tract - Final Session Notes - February 14, 2020
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Agenda - 03-24-20 Business Meeting
Agenda - 03-24-20; 12-2 - Information Item - MMC Facilitated Conversation about the Greene Tract - Final Session Notes - February 14, 2020
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3/20/2020 8:16:41 AM
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Agenda 03-24-20 Regular Meeting
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9 <br /> The group discussed changing the title of this section to include the word "with" instead of "and" <br /> so it would read "School Site with Public Recreation." <br /> Joint Preserve <br /> Mr. Roberts noted a similarity to the preceding paragraphs. Mr. Benedict noted connectivity was <br /> tried to environmental, vehicular and pedestrian. Chair Rich requested adding the term "public <br /> transportation" into the connectivity plan because at some point might have to change bus routes. <br /> Mayor Hemminger suggested changing this section to read the parties will "work together to draft <br /> connectivity plans" as opposed to "work together to draft a connectivity plan." <br /> Ms. McGuire asked if it would be helpful to add the word "infrastructure" here given the concept <br /> of utilities. The group discussed the term "utilities" as opposed to "infrastructure," and the term <br /> "public utilities." Connectivity plans including utilities, vehicular, bicycles and pedestrian. <br /> Ultimately, the group decided the term "utilities" was sufficient, and it was not necessary to <br /> include "public." <br /> Section 4: Final Determination <br /> Mayor Lavelle noted the second sentence was awkward and did not flow; it's missing a word or <br /> two. The group discussed fixing this second sentence for the next draft of this document. <br /> Section 5: Disputes <br /> Mayor Lavelle noted that this section explains what the group discussed at the Assembly of <br /> Governments. If there is a dispute, we try to talk and resolve it, can request mediation. Mayor <br /> Hemminger asked for clarification about mediation. Do you request it and they have to come? <br /> Mr. Roberts explained that the first section discussed interim minor types of disputes where a <br /> mediation would be time consuming. If everybody doesn't agree you need a mediation, you don't <br /> have a mediation. The second paragraph emphasizes the need for a mandatory mediation for <br /> major disagreements at the end of the 18-month period or another selected time period. Mayor <br /> Lavelle recommended the clarification: "During the first 18 months" this is what happens... <br /> Mr. Roberts explained a minor dispute could be resolved by a majority vote of the boards, and if <br /> the parties agree to a mediation, that would be an option. Agreement was made to change the <br /> document to read "the majority vote as provided below"not "above." <br /> Mr. Roberts explained divesture as when one party wants to sell their interest and neither of the <br /> other two parties wants to buy the interest, then the selling party would have to comply with <br /> North Carolina property sales law. Partition is when you want your interest separated, but the <br /> deed prohibits doing that, the party may need to go to Court to have it separated. <br /> Ms. McGuire explained the need for different approaches to minor or major approaches. They <br /> needed a way to resolve minor disputes before the 18-month period. <br /> Greene Tract Facilitated Discussion Minutes, February 2020, Page 9 <br />
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