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8 <br /> Lavelle agreed it seemed like an unnecessary level of specificity to determine the number of <br /> meetings in the MOU. <br /> Public Engagement <br /> Mayor Hemminger asked for clarification around what a 'joint public hearing" entails, wondering <br /> if it means just receiving input and not responding. Chair Rich replied that a public hearing gives <br /> the public a chance to speak and it is not an opportunity for elected officials and staff to respond. <br /> The group agreed a 'joint public hearing" is a chance for the public to speak and for elected <br /> officials and staff to hear the public. Staff may answer basic questions from the public but no <br /> voting or decisions will take place at that public hearing. <br /> The group discussed the difference between this MOU document and a more detailed work plan. <br /> Ms. McGuire suggested some specifics could be helpful, for example setting up a parameter for <br /> the number of public engagement sessions. She noted general parameters might be helpful for <br /> how we implement at this stage. <br /> Chair Rich asked when the groups will share the draft MOU and notes from this meeting with their <br /> respective boards. Mayor Lavelle suggested including the minutes to this meeting along with the <br /> current MOU draft as a clean copy. The group decided to send the current clean draft of the MOU <br /> (without changes from current meeting incorporated), along with the notes from this meeting, to <br /> their respective boards via email. <br /> The attorneys will simultaneously implement changes into MOU from this meeting of the MMC <br /> and that draft will come to the next MMC meeting. <br /> Mixed Income Housing and other uses <br /> Mayor Hemminger suggested adding the phrase "affordable housing" to this section. Chair Rich <br /> noted the term "affordable housing" should be included throughout the entire document. <br /> Mr. Roberts noted a sentence could be added stating, "other uses may include land banking" or <br /> "other future uses may include land banking." <br /> Mr. Andrews the last sentence include "developer(s)" instead of "developer" given the possibility <br /> of multiple developers of the site. <br /> School Site and Public Recreational Facility Site <br /> Mayors Hemminger and Lavelle recommended taking out the term "facility" in this section title, so <br /> it would instead read "School Site and Public Recreation." <br /> Chair Rich expressed an interest in reviewing the standards for a school site for efficiency. Mayor <br /> Hemminger mentioned the standard is based on a DPI-arrived number that is per child. Chair Rich <br /> noted for the sake of efficiency, the group discussed including "approximately 16 acres" for the <br /> school site, instead of stating the school site in terms of a minimum. <br /> Greene Tract Facilitated Discussion Minutes, February 2020, Page 8 <br />