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5 <br /> space, affordable housing and a school. Mr. Benedict said the community wanted the possibility <br /> of a park even if the school didn't happen. Mayor Lavelle asked who would develop programs if <br /> there were soccer fields, ball fields. Would that programming fall to Chapel Hill, Carrboro or <br /> Orange County? Ms. McGuire emphasized it was an overarching statement to say there had been <br /> an identification for what the space would be used for, noting the interest in the amount of space <br /> was the extent of the evaluation. <br /> Mayor Lavelle said a public recreational facilities separate from future school site public school <br /> would need to be further discussed by the Carrboro board to determine if it is apriority for <br /> Carrboro. <br /> Mayor Hemminger said the word "facility" was problematic because it implied a building of some <br /> sort and could instead be changed to "public recreation area." <br /> Ms. Lavelle explained Carrboro has an interest in having a school in that space, but if there is not a <br /> school, Carrboro may not have an interest in building a park separate from a school. Mr. Andrews <br /> agreed Carrboro has not explicitly discussed having a park in that space, separate from the school. <br /> Mr. Benedict noted there is an interest in having a recreational area accessible to the public, <br /> outside of a school. The community would value a dual use space for community and school. <br /> Chair Rich agreed she did not recall having a conversation around having a park separate from a <br /> school. Mr. Myren clarified if everyone was committed to the school, there wasn't a need to have <br /> a discussion about an option that doesn't include a school. Ms. Hammersley emphasized the <br /> priority is in ensuring the school site has the appropriate amount of acreage. <br /> Mr. Myren shared, based on the meeting with the school administration, it's not clear they would <br /> allow it to be accessible publicly. Mayor Hemminger noted the intergovernmental park work <br /> group established guidelines that said the public has the right to use these spaces, but there are <br /> caveats. High school facilities cannot be shared spaces because of the level of use on those <br /> buildings, but elementary schools are more easily accessible by the public and make great <br /> partnerships. Neighborhoods typically have access to elementary schools after hours, and this <br /> space would be no different. <br /> The group affirmed their wish that there will not be a recreational facility if there is no school on <br /> the site. Mayor Hemminger noted Chapel Hill does require recreational spaces when new housing <br /> is developed, so perhaps the developer would be required to add in a recreational site. Chair Rich <br /> Greene Tract Facilitated Discussion Minutes, February 2020, Page 5 <br />