Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Facilitated Conversation about the Greene Tract <br /> Summary of Key Topics Discussed & Questions Raised on MOU Document <br /> February 14, 2020 <br /> Section of MOU Document Changes needed & Questions to address <br /> Whereas Statements • Include the term "affordable housing"throughout <br /> • Delete "facility" change to "Public recreational site" <br /> • Define "use" <br /> Section 1: Term & Termination <br /> Section 2: Responsibilities of • "Public engagement" (not outreach) <br /> the Parties <br /> Section 3: Public Participation Public Engagement <br /> & Decision Making <br /> • Move sentences in between first and third to last/to work <br /> plan <br /> • Define joint public hearing as input session from public— <br /> no voting, no decisions <br /> • Include general parameters to inform work plan <br /> Mixed Income Housing <br /> • Add "affordable housing" throughout <br /> • Other"uses" may include "land-banking for future use" <br /> • Developer(s) <br /> School Site with Public Recreation <br /> • With a school of approximately 16 acres <br /> Connectivity <br /> • Add "public transportation" <br /> • Connectivity plans (no "a") <br /> Section 4: Final Determination • Second sentence needs to be fixed <br /> Section 5• Disputes • Clarify with the first paragraph—"in the first 18 months <br /> this is what happens..." <br /> • Majority vote below <br /> • Talk more about minor disputes—consider including <br /> facilitation to try to find common ground <br /> • Walk through examples at next MMC meeting <br />