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10 <br /> Mr. Roberts reiterated the group can negotiate and if there is a disagreement, the governing <br /> boards can vote by majority vote, unless all of the governing boards agree to mediate the dispute. <br /> After 18 months, everyone must go to mediation. Mayor Hemminger noted she would like to see <br /> the group take a stab at mediation even for minor disputes because there might be common <br /> ground —it might not be as big as assumed. Mayor Lavelle noted there might be a step between <br /> formal mediation such as facilitation. Mr. Roberts noted facilitation could be included in the 60- <br /> day timeframe. The group agreed to discuss this further at a later point. Ms. Johnson noted it <br /> would be helpful to run through a topic and imagine what would happen if they do not agree on <br /> the headwater preserves location, for example. <br /> Summarized next steps <br /> Participants clarified the next steps coming out of the session. <br /> Topic ` Action Steps <br /> 1. Minutes from the • Ms. Chotas will deliver draft notes to the group by end-of-day <br /> meeting February 28, 2020. <br /> • Group members will have until March 4 at 5 pm to provide <br /> clarifications. <br /> • The final draft of the notes will be distributed by March 6. <br /> 2. Send meeting notes and . Each municipality will send notes of this meeting with the <br /> MOU draft to Boards current (clean) draft of the MOU to their respective boards <br /> via email — not to be placed on a board agenda. <br /> • Individual board members' questions and comments will be <br /> addressed at the next meeting of the MMC group. <br /> 3. Develop the next draft • Attorneys develop next draft of the MOU based on input <br /> of the MOU from the February 14 meeting. <br /> • The MMC group discusses the draft and brings input from <br /> individual board members to their meeting on April 3. <br /> • Attorneys will revise MOU based on input from the April 3rd <br /> meeting. The resulting draft of the MOU will be distributed to <br /> all three boards for formal review and feedback. <br /> 4. Reconvene the group on . The group will come back together in a facilitated session on <br /> Friday, April 3, 2020. Friday, April 3, 2020, 10:30-noon, at the Chapel Hill Public <br /> Library. <br /> • The attorneys will be included in scheduling this meeting. <br /> Greene Tract Facilitated Discussion Minutes, February 2020, Page 10 <br />