Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: BDD8D10C-A07A-4420-810E-AE25FD2F1425 <br /> J. ASSUMPTIONS <br /> This proposal is based an the following: <br /> 1. No more than 190 shovel tests will need to be excavated. <br /> K.COST ESTIMATE <br /> The total cost of the archaeological field investigations (survey and site testing) and reporting for the <br /> project described above will not exceed $17,000. <br /> L. BUSINESS INTERESTS <br /> Legacy will provide proof of insurance purchased from a company authorized to write casualty insurance <br /> in the State of North Carolina.This insurance will be maintained in full force and effect until the contract <br /> has been fully and completely performed. Insurance certificates will provide for a 30-day written notice <br /> to Orange County detailing any changes, cancellation, or expirations.Orange County will be named as <br /> an additional insured. Insurance cost is included in the bid as part of the overhead figure. <br /> 1. Worker's Compensation Insurance is provided in statutory amounts. <br /> 2. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance is carried in the amount of <br /> $1,000,00❑ pe r occu rre nce, $2,000,000 in the aggregate. <br /> 3. Automobile Body Liability Insurance in the amount of$300,000 per person/per <br /> accident and is provided. It covers the use of owned, non-awned, and hired <br /> motor vehicles. <br /> 4, Automobile Property Damage Liability Insurance in the amount of$100,000 per <br /> accident and is provided. It covers the use of owned, non-owned, and hired <br /> motor vehicles. <br /> 5. Combined UninsuredlUnderinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Coverage in the <br /> amount of$500,000 per person/per accident and is provided. It covers the use <br /> of owned, non--awned,and hired motor vehicles. <br /> M.REFERENCES CITED <br /> Butler,W. <br /> 1987 Significance and Other Frustrations in the CRM Process.American Antiquity52(4): 820--829. <br /> Townsend,J.,J. H. Sprinkle, and J. Knoeri <br /> 1993 Guidelines for Evaluation and Registering Historical Archaeological Sites and Districts. <br /> National RegisterBUlletin.36.United States Department of the interior,Washington, DC. <br /> 5 <br />