Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:90883988-076D-486D-B746-055E86E2D681 <br /> Section 3—Experience and Past Performance <br /> a. List of 5 projects undertaken in the last five years demonstrating experience performing <br /> engineering services. These reference projects must include: <br /> 1. Projects similar to the scope of services for this project. <br /> 2. Projects that have been performed by the prime consultant and sub- consultant team, <br /> where key personnel and core team are essentially the same team being proposed. <br /> 3. The summary for each reference project should include project title, location, brief <br /> description of the project, including services provided, size and cost of project, <br /> percentage of error and omissions, original and final schedule dates (including reason <br /> for any changes), fee and fee percentage, client (owner) contacts, design team contacts, <br /> construction contractor team contacts. For contacts include name, telephone number <br /> and email of key representative. <br /> b. Provide (3) Reference letters from ONE of the projects listed in your experience. One letter each <br /> from the following: Owner, Architect/Engineer, and General Contractor. <br /> c. Provide other pertinent information demonstrating the firm and key team members experience <br /> and past performance (Examples: unique challenges or problems, innovative solutions, project <br /> successes, etc.) <br /> Section 4—Other Requirements <br /> a. Statement that your firm's capability to cover insurance requirements set forth by the County. <br /> b. List of all lawsuits your firm has been involved in within the last 5 years related to Geotechnical, <br /> Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections services. <br /> SELECTION PROCESS: <br /> The deadline for receipt of Qualifications Statements is 5:00 p.m. on August 29, 2019. Orange County will <br /> review all submitted qualifications packages that comply with the requirements contained within <br /> this document. The criteria by which the packages will be evaluated include: <br /> • Firm's stated understanding of services needs related to the project. <br /> • Firm's experience providing similar testing and inspections for projects of very similar size and <br /> type structure within the past five (5) years, project team performance and reference letters. <br /> • Qualifications of principal(s) and actual inspection staff to be assigned to perform desired work, <br /> the level of involvement in the project for each person and a listing of similar projects <br /> completed by each employee within the past five(5)years. <br /> • Firm's responsiveness and ability to provide desired services without disruption of construction <br /> schedule. <br /> Depending on the number of packages received, the County may choose a single firm from the <br /> information submitted; or, several firms may be selected to a "short list" and invited to make an oral <br /> presentation, at the County's sole discretion. Professional services fees are not to be submitted at <br /> this time and will be negotiated with the firm deemed most responsive and qualified. If an <br /> acceptable fee cannot be negotiated,the second ranked firm will be contacted. <br />