Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> speaker will be Ed Pavlic, Ph.D., a Distinguished Research Professor of English and African <br /> American Studies at the University of Georgia, and the evening will also include poetry, dance, <br /> and music. <br /> Frances Castillo said the winners of the Pauli Murray Awards were: <br /> Mae McLendon Adult Awardee <br /> Thea Barrett Youth Awardee <br /> Annette Moore said the HRC created a task force to work on increasing diversity on <br /> boards and commissions. She said the task force has already created a survey, and will be <br /> sending it out to all volunteers who are currently serving on the boards and commissions to <br /> gather demographic information. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would regretfully be unable to attend the Pauli Murray <br /> awards ceremony, as he will be out of state. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) could get <br /> a one-page information sheet that explains the County's budget process, especially regarding <br /> school funding and the monitoring of funds that occurs once the County has approved the <br /> budget. He said this would be very helpful to hand out to the public. <br /> Commissioner Price said this is Black History Month and Black History is a part of <br /> American history. She encouraged everyone to check out the many programs taking place <br /> throughout the County. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Census Bureau still has part-time jobs available. <br /> Commissioner Price recognized David Caldwell for all he has done in Orange County, <br /> noting that he just retired. <br /> Commissioner McKee said a resident has petitioned the Board to consider reciting the <br /> pledge of allegiance at meetings. He said this item should have been a Board discussion and <br /> not an information item. He petitioned to bring this back as an agenda item. <br /> Commissioner Price said the information sheet on this item states that Chair/Vice Chair <br /> agreed that this would be an information item, but she did not agree to such a decision. She <br /> said the page in the Commissioners' packets is incorrect. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said there will be another job fair in the County in March. <br /> Chair Rich asked if staff would provide more information on the job fair. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he appreciated and supported Commissioner Dorosin's <br /> request on the budget process. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he and Commissioner Price attended the GoTriangle Special <br /> Tax meeting, and were given information, which he will share with the Board electronically. He <br /> said there was a great video on electric buses, which he will also share. <br /> Chair Rich thanked Commissioner Dorosin for his request, and said the questions asked <br /> at last night's candidate forum were not correct. She said either the schools or the general <br /> public do not understand the County's budget process, and it is important to have accurate <br /> information. <br /> Chair Rich agreed with recognizing David Caldwell. <br /> Chair Rich said she met some high school students at last night's meeting from the <br /> "Sunrise Movement", who are very concerned about climate change. She invited them to come <br /> to a BOCC meeting, and address the Board. <br />