Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is very much in favor of the weatherization effort and the <br /> LED recommended projects. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he found the back up information on the schools' projects <br /> sorely lacking, and he is glad that these projects are going to be deferred for further <br /> conversation, and buy in from school partners. He said he will send his questions to staff and <br /> the Board his questions, and there are a lot of details involved in these types of projects. <br /> Chair Rich said the Board signed onto a petition with Duke Energy to get solar onto the <br /> schools, and asked if this project would be in partnership with that one. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said this is completely separate. <br /> Chair Rich said if that is the case, then feasibly more than two schools could have solar <br /> panels. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said there will be a meeting with Duke Energy in the coming <br /> weeks including the Durham County Commissioners, Chatham County Commissioners, former <br /> Apex Town Councilman, and himself. He said the goal is to ask Duke Energy to duplicate its <br /> efforts in California and Arizona where it installed solar arrays on schools at no cost. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the first solar array in North Carolina was built in Raleigh <br /> in a park and ride lot, so there are many options. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there should be more options than just placing the array on a <br /> roof. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said the Board spoke in recent months about putting solar <br /> arrays on some schools, and staff said more power could be generated, for the money, from <br /> one system, which made sense to him. He said one option would be to do a large array in one <br /> school system, followed by another large array in the other school system a year later. He <br /> asked if there is any merit to this idea, as there would be more energy generated for the dollar. <br /> Brennan Bouma said it is possible, and he could research this further. He said the <br /> $150,000 was chosen as a budgeting item based on a quote received to put solar on the roof of <br /> the Central Recreation Center, which was identified in the County's feasibility assessment as a <br /> top option, due to a recently replaced roof, good solar access, etc. <br /> Brennan Bouma said the Commission for the Environment is concerned with being <br /> equitable between the schools districts. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he is curious if the amount of energy generated, for the <br /> cost invested, was significantly higher. He said he would like to have more information on the <br /> weatherization, and stressed the importance of keeping careful records and analyses on these <br /> projects. He said strong outreach around these projects will be very important, as there will be <br /> skeptics. He said he feels these projects will be successful, and having data will allay <br /> skepticism. He thanked staff for all its work. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the LED campaign, and said one one matrix has a cost <br /> of $19,000 while the appendix lists it as $12,000. She asked if one number is more accurate. <br /> Brennan Bouma said the Commission for the Environment saw a cost of$12,000, and <br /> the hope was to reproduce the program in the way the Commission saw it. He said the costs <br /> were increased after conversations with project partners about needs being greater. He said <br /> the $19,000 is closer to what the actual cost will be. <br /> Commissioner Price said in the past there was a discussion of putting solar arrays in <br /> front of businesses and homes, but this option was determined to be unsightly, which may be in <br /> the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). She asked if staff would look into this, and possibly <br /> have this removed from the UDO. She said telephone poles are unsightly, and she does not <br /> want restrictions in place that will prevent cleaner and more efficient energy from moving <br /> forward. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said homeowner associations are likely the greatest <br /> impediment to these projects. <br />