Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3FDDF183-DEOC-45F5-AE17-OB9CF99E613F <br /> List the current name, office telephone number and office address of the <br /> Title VI compliance officers <br /> TeLeishia Holloway, Transportation Administrator <br /> 600 NC Highway 86 North <br /> Hillsborough,NC 27278 <br /> 919-245-2002 <br /> (Note: the agency will notify the DHHS compliance attorney of changes <br /> in name or contact information for the Title VI compliance officer. <br /> B. The agency will post and maintain signs in regularly encountered <br /> languages other than English in waiting rooms, reception areas and other <br /> initial points of contact. These signs will inform applicants and <br /> beneficiaries of their right to free language assistance services and invite <br /> them to identify themselves as persons needing such services. <br /> Identify areas within the agency where these signs will be posted: <br /> Signage will be posted at the Orange County Public Transportation's <br /> Entry way/lobby and breakroom. <br /> C. The agency will include statements of the right to free language assistance <br /> in Spanish and other significant languages in all outreach material that is <br /> routinely disseminated to the public (including electronic text). <br /> D. The agency will also disseminate information in the following manner: <br /> Contacting translators for the all public outreach events and printing <br /> material. <br /> V. Provision of Services to LEP Applicants/Recipients <br /> A. Assessing Linguistic Needs of Potential Applicants and Recipients <br /> I. The agency will assess the language needs of the population to be <br /> served, by identifying: <br /> a. the language needs of each LEP applicant/recipient <br /> b. the points of contact where language assistance is needed; <br /> C. the resources needed to provide effective language <br /> assistance, including location, availability and <br /> arrangements necessary for timely use. <br /> 2. Determining the Language Needs of the Population to be Served <br /> 3 <br />