Orange County NC Website
4 <br />ORANGE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE <br />At the ITC meeting on April 24, 2001, the committee discussed the planned fiber <br />optic cable installation far the downtown Hillsborough government campus. The <br />committee is enthusiastic about this project. These fiber connections will <br />dramatically improve network bandwidth between the County facilities and will <br />also generate significant cost savings. The savings in monthly <br />telecommunications charges will provide a payback period of approximately two <br />years, at which time the fiber infrastructure will still have many years of economic <br />life remaining. However, the biggest benefiit is not the direct cost savings but in <br />the flexibility that the County Information Technology staff will have in efficiently <br />locating central computing resources without concern for the location of end <br />users. This will facilitate further "server farming," locating equipment at a central <br />point for manageability and maintainability. <br />The ITC encourages the Board to act affirmatively on this request. <br />Joel Dunn, <br />Chair <br />'oel dunn <br />