Orange County NC Website
CTC Proposal to Orange County – Public Works to Animal Services <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Using the information from the survey, our team will complete a desktop review to identify and <br />avoid potential impact to environmentally sensitive areas and vulnerable wildlife species. The <br />scope of this proposal does not include wetland delineations or environmental permitting; <br />however, we will advise the County as to our desk review findings and any likely areas of <br />environmental permitting identified by our review. Moreover, CTC will support initial <br />consultations with environmental permitting authorities that may be necessary to determine <br />permitting requirements. <br />Task 3: CAD Design of Routes and Generation of BOM <br />Once designs are reviewed and accepted by the County and additional stakeholders, CTC’s team <br />will convert the walkout map drawings and the GIS data collected into AutoCAD drawings (see <br />figure below for a sample). The drawings will include: <br />•Running line of fiber <br />•Position of existing utility poles <br />•Road names <br />•Railroad crossings <br />•Bridges <br />•Fixed markers/significant landmarks (e.g., fire hydrants, valves, poles) <br />•Environmental protected areas (e.g., wetlands, bodies of water) <br />•Flood plains <br />•Easements <br />•Rights-of-way <br />•Any applicable public utilities or assets <br />•Any applicable private utilities or assets <br />•Termination points, coils, vaults, splices <br />•Fiber entry and installation, as applicable <br />CTC will provide a preliminary set of design drawings to the County for a single round of review <br />and input. After feedback has been provided, CTC will update the design drawings and provide a <br />final set of CAD documents to the County. <br />Additionally, CTC will generate a BOM detailing the type and quantities of materials needed by <br />the construction contractor to build the engineered design. CTC will review preliminary material <br />specifications with the County, and will provide recommendations prior to finalizing the BOM, as <br />appropriate. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FDEE3CE5-2218-4290-8CC7-E06D1211E72A