Orange County NC Website
CTC Proposal to Orange County – Public Works to Animal Services <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />construction along the route. The designs will also incorporate engineering field notes and the <br />site’s existing facility plans (if available). <br />Task 2: Desktop Design and Field Verification <br />Using local base maps, as-built plans, fiber allocation maps, aerial imagery route maps, and any <br />additional guidance received from the County, CTC will conduct a desktop design prior to a field <br />verification and survey of the fiber routes. This proposal assumes the County will provide any <br />available data in advance of the field survey. <br />The CTC engineer will walk out the routes and will photograph, survey, and take detailed notes <br />via a GPS device on all relevant physical features relating to OSP construction. CTC uses state-of- <br />the-art field survey equipment, including Trimble Geo 7X handheld GPS receivers and related <br />software (Trimble Pathfinder Office and TerraSync), to automate the OSP engineering and GIS <br />surveying processes. A walkout map of the route will be designed and produced in ESRI ArcGIS. <br />(See the figure below for a sample walkout map.) <br />The field survey will include measuring features within the ROW for placement of aerial strand <br />and underground conduit, and recording other pertinent details, including: <br />x Utility poles <br />x Slack storage <br />x Storm drains and culverts <br />x Edge of pavement <br />x Municipal facilities <br />x Street lights and signal poles <br />x Splice cases <br />x Equipment cabinets <br />x Vaults and pedestals <br />x Existing third-party utilities <br />x Attachment heights <br />x Green space <br />x Pole attachments <br />The information listed above will be recorded from visual observation while the survey is <br />conducted, and those items necessary to aid in construction will be documented in the <br />construction plans. CTC’s engineer will note any potential barriers to construction, as well as <br />potential route improvements, and will also determine what permits will be needed to construct <br />the fiber. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FDEE3CE5-2218-4290-8CC7-E06D1211E72A