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possibility is the master leasing program like the one that is now being set up <br /> in Chapel Hill because it will cover some days that might be missed in terms <br /> of the start of new leases because of the timing of the required inspections. <br /> Ms. Hampton responded that there may be a possibility to a do a project- <br /> based voucher program for a targeted population. The vouchers stay with a <br /> particular project rather than with the individual. <br /> Mr. Rosser said that he was interested in knowing more about the master <br /> leasing program that will be located in Glen Lennox. Ms. Hampton responded <br /> that at this time the project has not gotten off the ground. <br /> In response to a question, Ms. Hampton said that homes fixed or rehabbed <br /> under the Urgent Repair and Single-Family Rehabilitation Programs can be <br /> included in the bus tour but have to be mindful that there are confidentiality <br /> issues and will have to get permission from the owners. <br /> Ms. Hampton said that the Department can send 2-3 AHAB members to the <br /> state affordable housing conference which is being held this year October 7- <br /> 8. <br /> As for the Local Voucher Program, the public ads will be in the newspapers <br /> tomorrow; there will be a program briefing held for social service providers <br /> tomorrow; and the application portal will be open staring June 19tn <br /> As for the Rapid Rehousing Program, the specifics of how the program will be <br /> administered are still being discussed. The applicants will go through the <br /> existing coordinated entry program to access the program. <br /> As of the end of June, a total of 40 units will have been fixed or rehabbed <br /> through the Urgent Repair or Single-Family Rehabilitation program in the past <br /> two years. <br /> Ms. Hampton stated that she is still waiting to hear back about additional <br /> Racial Equality Institute (REI) training sessions and when she know the dates <br /> she will inform the AHAB. <br /> VIII. Old and New Business — Mr. Cook stated that the Advisory Board needs to <br /> develop an agenda for the meeting they will have with board members of <br /> local affordable housing groups. Ms. Hampton responded that the Orange <br /> County Collaborative and the Affordable Housing Coalition is in the process of <br /> setting up this type of meeting. They have selected the topics that they want <br /> to focus on including mobile home park closures and housing for those who <br /> Page 4 <br />