Orange County NC Website
Revised 11/19 <br />3 <br /> <br />3. Basic Services <br /> <br />a. Basic Services. The Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement are as follows <br />(fully describe services to be provided): SCOPE OF WORK - ENGINEERING: The <br />scope of engineering services includes design documentation and construction <br />administration for the following: 1. Domestic water service and sanitary sewer service <br />to the proposed mobile unit location with the understanding that the domestic water <br />service will be connected to the existing building and will not require a separate <br />waterline tap, meter and backflow prevention device. Also assumed is that the new <br />sanitary sewer service will connect to the existing sanitary sewer service or sewer main <br />located in close proximity to the Southern Human Services Building. 2. Erosion control <br />design. Based on previous experience, it is our assumption that the Town of Chapel Hill <br />will require review of an erosion control plan and thus erosion control plans have been <br />included in this proposal. However, permitting with NCDEQ has been specifically <br />excluded as this project is understood to involve less than 1 acre disturbance. 3. Power <br />for the vehicle to be located at the parking area with the understanding that a separate <br />meter is not needed. 4. A chain-link fence around the perimeter of the proposed mobile <br />unit parking. Landscaping is not anticipated and is excluded. It is understood that the <br />proposed mobile dentist unit will be located on the existing pavement along the south <br />edge of the Southern Human Services Building; 5. Note: Surveys and testing (before, <br />during and after construction) are assumed to be provided by the owner. SCOPE OF <br />WORK - ARCHITECTURE: The project consists of a study regarding the architectural <br />and engineering implications and cost estimates for the following possible solutions: 1. <br />Coordination of engineering with owner requirements. 2. Specification writing and <br />estimating. 3. CDC submission, presentation and approval. It is anticipated that since <br />the fencing is an exterior improvement, the Town of Chapel Hill will need to review the <br />project through the Community Design Commission. 4. Bidding services. An informal <br />bid process is anticipated.(Per proposal dated December 20, 2019) <br /> <br />4. Duration of Services <br /> <br />a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from January 25, 2020 to January 25, <br />2021. <br /> <br />b. Scheduling of Services. <br />i) The Provider shall schedule and perform its activities in a timely manner. <br /> <br />ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br />the Provider to expedite and accelerate its efforts, including providing additional <br />resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform its services in <br />accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br />County. <br /> <br />iii) The Commencement Date for the Provider's Basic Services shall be January 25, <br />2020. <br /> <br />5. Compensation <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 10A85B79-5184-4395-AE79-413DB1556EEE