Orange County NC Website
BY - LAWS <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL <br /> ARTICLE I : NAME AND PURPOSE <br /> Section 1 . Name <br /> The name of this body shall be the Orange County Juvenile <br /> Crime Prevention Council (JCPC ) <br /> Section 2 . Purpose <br /> The purpose of the JCPC shall be to : <br /> 2 . 1 Ensure that appropriate intermediate dispositional options are available and <br /> prioritize funding for dispositions of intermediate and community level sanctions <br /> for court adjudicated juveniles pursuant to minimum standards adopted by the <br /> Department of Public Safety , Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice <br /> (NC DJJ) . <br /> 2 .2 Evaluate programs developed and supported by the JCPC for effectiveness and <br /> continued need . <br /> 2 . 3 Assess the needs of delinquent and at-risk juveniles in Orange <br /> County and report those findings to County Commissioners , <br /> 2A Plan for the establishment of a permanent funding stream for delinquency <br /> prevention services . <br /> ARTICLE II : MEMBERSHIP <br /> Section 1 . Membership should include , if possible : <br /> 1 . The local school superintendent or designee ; <br /> 2 . The chief of police in the county ; <br /> 3 . The local sheriff, or designee ; <br /> 4 . The district attorney , or designee ; <br /> 5 . The chief court counselor , or designee ; <br /> 6 . The director of mental health , developmental disabilities , and substance <br /> abuse authority , or designee <br /> Adopted June 2015 <br />