Orange County NC Website
system (i . e . fighting) and how they can work things out and be able to get along within the school <br /> setting moving forward . Sherita would like to start incorporate these circles within the schools and <br /> eventually become a trainer . <br /> Hot Topic Discussion <br /> The County has started a Reentry Council that is working with formerly incarcerated and there is a lot <br /> of energy and community involvement . It is being put out on our radar because at some point in the <br /> future it may intersect with the juvenile justice system and the JCPC . <br /> Orange County Schools has contracted with Renaissance Center as the school -based mental health <br /> provider and this year they will have 6 full licensed therapists that will be housed in the schools <br /> Monday- Friday and will be divided between 2 - 3 schools that are in close proximity so that if an <br /> emergency happened they can get to a school within 10 minutes . The students do still have to have <br /> Medicaid or private insurance , but for every 10 , they will give 1 or 2 pro -bono for the McKinney <br /> Vento students or those with financial hardships . <br /> The Partnership for Alcohol and Drug Free Youth is looking at their logic model and has addressed <br /> three different types of substances — underage drinking , prescription drug misuse , and marijuana . If <br /> anyone is interested in joining any of the workgroups please let Gayane know . <br /> Susan wanted to give a shout out to Denise for helping to expedite the July payments from the state to <br /> Orange County so that the programs could receive their July funds in July and not August, like has <br /> happened in the past . <br /> Consultant Update <br /> All program agreements have been approved and fully executed in DocuSign and all programs have <br /> received their July disbursements . <br /> is now available and the deadline to be submitted in NCALLIES is August 15 . Please <br /> Final accounting <br /> do not wait until the last minute to complete . Failure to complete final accounting in a timely manner <br /> could hold up future disbursements . New this year, all signatures will be done electronically through <br /> DocuSign ; no more hard copies to pass around . <br /> Denise will have the programs present their SPEP scores at the December meeting . This is an <br /> evaluation tool that the state uses to make sure that the funded programs are evidence -based, follow a <br /> curriculum, and have protocols in place for staff retention . Denise will be working with the programs <br /> to identify if there are any areas for improvement and the programs will report to the JCPC on this . <br /> Denise is going to start working on the Risk and Needs data in preparation for the January <br /> subcommittee meeting . <br /> All programs in Orange County have had a consultant monitoring , which is done every three years . <br /> Please add committee signups to the October agenda . Denise will provide a brief description of each <br /> one and a suggested number of members . Please use this opportunity to volunteer for something you <br /> are interested in ; otherwise the Chair may appoint you to one . <br />