Orange County NC Website
k <br /> DJJData — Reported on data for month of July 2015 : received 11 complaints on 8 different <br /> juveniles, 1 approved for court, 5 placed on plan, 1 closed. Complaints received were during <br /> month of July but some may carry-over to August because DJJ has 30 days . Peggy is thinking of <br /> removing gang-related category from report for Orange because our county doesn' t see much <br /> gang-related activity. Two juveniles were placed in detention, 2 in Wrenn House, and 6 on <br /> electronic monitoring . Orange County is utilizing alternatives to detention as much as possible. <br /> Is it possible to report on number of youth who are involved in a gang, but whose offense may <br /> not have been gang-related? JCPC board member and program providers expressed concern and <br /> interest in tracking number of youth who have gang involvement. This type of information is <br /> captured in Risk & Needs Assessment administered by DJJ and this data will be rolled out soon <br /> for FY 14/ 15 to help drive funding priorities for upcoming UP . Tool is validated but it is self- <br /> report and therefore we know that there are certain areas that will be underreported. Therefore, it f <br /> is very important when the Risk & Needs committee meets for program providers to be present <br /> to share their first-hand knowledge on underreported areas and voice opinion for what areas are I� <br /> lacking resources and need funding. <br /> Is there a way to collect and report on info for 16 & 17 year olds who are sometimes served by <br /> the programs ? While not collected with DJJ system is there another way within the state to get <br /> this information? Risk and need info collected in DJJ system isn 't collected in adult system, not fi <br /> even for 16 & 17 year olds . District Attorney ' s office is working on 16/ 17 year old diversion <br /> plan to start working with offender ' s in that age category differently . <br /> JCPC Business <br /> Conflict of Interest Form — Must be completed by voting JCPC members . Please fill out and turn <br /> in to Rebekah today. <br /> FY I5/16 Action Plan — Included in your packets for your review. This is the document that <br /> guides us throughout the year. As the year progresses we will fill in the evaluation/results <br /> column with outcomes . <br /> Subcommittee Sign- Ups — Most pressing subcommittee is Membership . Judge Bryan, Susan, <br /> Peggy, and Lee all volunteered in June to serve on this committee . If anyone else is interested <br /> please let us know. There are a few positions that are open and need to be filled. Membership <br /> committee will take the names of people who have been suggested to fill open spots and contact <br /> them to share information about JCPC and determine their interest in serving on the board. The <br /> Chair would like the subcommittee to make recommendations to the board at October' s meeting. <br /> Rebekah will email committee to get everything started. <br /> Conference Opportunities — There are two fliers for upcoming in back of packet of upcoming <br /> conference opportunities : NC Juvenile Services Association Fall Conference at Carolina Beach <br /> and National Symposium on Juvenile Services in Pittsburgh PA. In the past JCPC has provided <br /> funds to programs and board members to attend these conferences so that everyone is afforded n <br /> an opportunity to stay current with what is happening in the state and nation around <br /> programming and juvenile services . <br />