Orange County NC Website
Continuing Business <br /> 7. Seymour Center Renovation Update <br /> 8. Seymour Center- Early Voting Site and Passmore Center- New Precinct voting site for <br /> Election Day <br /> New Business <br /> 9. Budget FY 20-21 <br /> a. Review of Outside Agency Applications <br /> 10. Need a delegate for the TJCOG -Area Agency on Aging board to replace Ed Tiryakian <br /> 2017-22 Master Aging Plan <br /> 11. Report from MAP Steering Committee held on Jan. 31 <br /> 12. Second Quarter (Oct/Nov/Dec) MAP Workgroup Updates <br /> a. Housing <br /> b. Transportation <br /> Committee Progress Reports if needed: <br /> 13. Dementia Friendly Business Campaign <br /> 14. Senior Tar Heel Legislature - Dick White <br /> 15.Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - Tiketha Collins <br /> 16. Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee -Vibeke Talley <br /> 17. Housing- Keith Cook/Dick White <br /> 18. Friends of the Passmore Center <br /> 19. Friends of the Seymour Center <br /> Adjournment <br /> Next meeting: Tuesday, March 10, 1-3 p.m. Seymour Center <br />