Agenda - 06-23-2005-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-23-2005
Agenda - 06-23-2005-5i
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8/29/2008 6:59:11 PM
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8/29/2008 10:32:21 AM
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Minutes - 20050623
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2005
S Easement - Purchasing - OWASA Requested Sewer Easement Across County-Owned Property in Carrboro 06-23-2005-5i
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\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2000 - 2009\2005
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<br />and any and all other materials, obstructions, structures, and encroachments of any kind; <br />The owner of the fee shall retain the right to cultivate the ground lying within the <br />boundaries of the easement, provided that such cultivation shall not interfere with the right of the <br />GRANTEE herein named of ingress and egress to said easement for the purpose of maintenance <br />and repair of said sewer main or mains or the construction and repair of sewer laterals and <br />connections, and such cultivation shall not interfere with GRANTEE's maintenance operation or <br />installation of the lines; GRANTEE shall also have the right at such times as may be convenient <br />to its purposes of ingress and egress to and from the said easement over GRANTOR's land <br />adjacent to the said easement to any adjoining lands or public rights of way; and provided further <br />that in all cases where there are roads or streets across the tract of land sufficient for the purpose <br />of convenient egress, ingress, and regress, in, to, and from said strip of land, such roads or streets <br />shall be used by the said ORANGE WATER. AND SEWER. AUTHORITY when it is necessary <br />to come in and upon said strip of land for the purposes aforesaid. <br />No building or structure of any kind, except such as constructed by ORANGE WATER <br />AND SEWER AUTHORITY, shall be located or erected upon the above described easement. <br />It is understood and agreed by the parties that the execution and delivery of this deed of <br />easement by the GRANTOR and its acceptance by the Authority shall not obligate the <br />GRANTEE to construct a sewer line or permit connections to its sewer system. And, it is further <br />understood and agreed that failure of the GRANTEE to construct improvements within the said <br />strip of land and/or to cleaz or keep cleared said strip of land shall not impair in any way the <br />rights, privileges and easements conveyed to the GRANTEE hereunder. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all singular the rights, privileges, and easements as <br />aforesaid, in, along, upon, and through said premises to the said ORANGE WATER AND <br />SEWER AUTHORTTY, and its successors and assigns forever. <br />And the GRANTOR covenants with the GRANTEE that it is seized of the premises in <br />fee simple, has the tight to convey the rights, privileges and easements which aze granted herein, <br />that title is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances which may affect the said rights, <br />
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