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Executive Summar <br /> y <br /> This study continues the work begun in the 1991 New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan by further <br /> defining corridor links in east central Orange County . The objective of the study is to link the Durham <br /> Division of Duke Forest with Eno River State Park with recreation trails and wildlife corridors . <br /> Analysis for the stud followed these e <br /> Y y es steps . <br /> • Identification of the links based on physical criteria ; <br /> • Assessment of each tink ' s relative merits and obstacles ; <br /> • Synthesis of the links into separate recreation trails and wildlife Y p e corridors ; <br /> • Analysis of trail / corridor feasibility based on potential implementation strategies ; and <br /> • Selection of final recreation trail and wildlife corridor . <br /> Recreation Trail <br /> I <br /> - The recommended recreation trail is a loop connecting Duke Forest and Eno River State Park . The trail <br /> I is proposed for low - impact , passive recreation uses . The loop runs along the Duke Power easement to <br /> its intersection with NC 10 , turns toward I- 85 , crossing US 70 , then travels parallel to 1- 85 and bend <br /> back to the intersection of NC 751 and NC 10 . The trail then follows the NC 751 right-of--way back into <br /> I <br /> Duke Forest . The recommended implementation strategy includes the following actions ;- _ <br /> • Purchase recreation easements ; _ <br /> • Site trails in setbacks required by the Major Transportation Corridor Overlay District ; <br /> I • Use NC -751 and proposed Eno Drive rights -of- way for trails ; <br /> • Locate trails along Duke Power easement ; and _ <br /> • Provide a pedestrian bridge across I- 85 or pedestrian lane along proposed Eno ' Drive , <br /> Wildlife Corridor <br /> The study recommends a separate 2004eet wide corridor for wildlife . The proposed corridor leaves Eno <br /> River State Park along Rhodes Creek , crosses under Interstate 85 at the US Highway 70 interchange , and <br /> runs parallel to the Southe - _ <br /> p rn Railroad right-of way into Duke Forest . The study recommends the <br /> following implementation strategies : <br /> Purchase corridor areas ; <br /> I_ • Provide a wildlife underpass at 1- 85/US 70 interchange • <br /> Y <br /> • Encourage development clustering for undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels ; and <br /> - • _ Acquire wildlife and floodplain easements where possible . - - <br /> Wildlife experts stress that a wildlife underpass at the 1- 85 /US 70 interchange is critical for wildlife ' s safe _ <br /> �- passage between Duke Forest and Eno River State Park . These experts recommend that the corridor not <br /> be implemented if safe passage is not assured . NC Department of Transportation does not currently plan <br /> to construct culverts of the dimensions recommended by wildlife corridor experts for wildlife <br /> underpasses . <br /> The chance to secure these corridors represents a unique and timely opportunity for Orange County . <br /> These trails and corridors will fulfill the goals of the New Hope Corridor Plan , and more importantly , <br /> will provide necessary space for public recreation and wildlife habitats in the area . Although <br /> implementation of this study ' s recommendations may be a challenging task, development pressures will <br /> only increase these difficulties as time passes . The planned improvement of I- 85 presents perhaps the only <br /> chance to provide for adequate passage of wildlife under this heavily traveled thoroughfare . It is hoped <br /> that Orange County will consider these recommendations to create a lasting , natural legacy for the <br /> County . <br />