Orange County NC Website
New Hope Corridor open Space Master Pf = <br /> These areas would provide locations for such features as wildlife habitats , trails , and access <br /> areas . <br /> The Advisory Committee recommends that the participating governing boards move to protect <br /> the following areas : <br /> • New Hope Creek from NC 54 north and west to Erwin Road in Orange County ; <br /> • Dry Creek from New Hope Creek on the north side of the Chapel Hill-Durham <br /> Boulevard west to Erwin Road and the future Chapel Hill gzeenway ; <br /> • Mud Creek from New Hope Creek north to NC 751 ; <br /> • Connections between Mud Creek-NC 751 and the Eno River State Park along NC 751 <br /> and Orange County roads ( to the west) ; and <br /> • Sandy Creek from New Hope Creek on the south side of Chapel Hill-Durham <br /> Boulevard northeast across the Boulevard to NC 751 . <br /> After adoption of the Master Plan by the four jurisdictions , a permanent Advisory Committee <br /> should be established to monitor and advise in carrying out the recommendations of the plan and <br /> to nurture and foster citizens ' involvement in preservation and acquisition . The membership of <br /> the Committee - would be drawn from the planning and open space agencies of the four <br /> jurisdictions with additional representation of interested citizens and property owners . <br /> The Committee should be official and permanent and should be charged with the responsibility <br /> of overseeing the corridor ' s future , including reviewing and making recommendations <br /> concerning development proposals , annual budgets , etc . , that affect the corridor . The <br /> Committee should not be responsible for operations related to the corridor . The Committee <br /> should require only minimal staff support in carrying out its duties . <br /> -- The Implementation Recommendations (Section III . ) consist of three phases , which would take <br /> - glace over a maximum of 20 years . <br /> Phase 1 . Priority Corridor Acquisition (Years t- <br /> - _ Objective : Through acquisition , to utilize land presently under control of the City of <br /> Durham , Duke University , and the Corps of Engineers , as well as that <br /> acquired through purchase of opportunity in the Wildlife Protection Area <br /> and other acquisition opportunities that are presented through rezoning , <br /> negotiation , or donation . <br /> ii <br />