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exactly where . Also , to provide a vision for what open space should be and where . <br /> Provide a written and visual plan mapping out the greeaway system , taking into <br /> account the values of transportation, wildlife protection , stream environmental <br /> concerns , park and open space concerns _ <br /> Recommendation : Utilize funds from the payment in lieu fund as " borrowing <br /> capital " in the same way that the faster Plan was accomplished. Pay back the <br /> Payment in lieu fund since this is a planning project and not acquisition or <br /> development. Continue an account in the Recreation and Parks General Fund <br /> Budget to begin making payment to the Payment in Lieu Fund for the greenway <br /> plan . This process would allow the planning work to be authorized to proceed in <br /> Fiscal Year 1998 - 1. 999 . - <br /> G YMNAS IUMWCENTER AND CONEqTTNITY PARK <br /> In the CIP last year, two items were recommended_ That a park of approximately <br /> ten acres be located is the vicinity of Homestead Road 'and land be acquired for a <br /> community center. Most of ,the financing for these two projects was scheduled to <br /> take place in .1999-2000 with approximately S.284Y143 coining from the payment in <br /> lieu . fund and reserves for . the Master Pa ,:rR Plan allocated in T'Y 95--96 . The <br /> Recreation and Parks Commission strongly recognizes the need fora g mnaslum <br /> - - t�-pe of center and active recreatio7a facilities_ A. neighborhood park - viU1 not allow <br /> j for both of these issues to be taken care oL Therefore the Commission,. reaching <br /> into the time frame of 2001-2005,4 would recourimend that property be acquired <br /> North Commun.i.ty k'ark, With the funds available in the payment in lieu fi►ind, we <br /> could perhaps purchase an option to buy a certain property in the Northern - <br /> Transition. Area to provide space for a gymnasium/center_ and active facilities . This — <br /> would provide a project that could attract private, local, county and state money. <br /> Recomm. endatien : Pursue options on the purchase of approximately sixty acres in <br /> the Northern -Transition Area on which to locate a gymnasiuraJcenter and <br /> commuaitry park. Planning, and specific facility location should be -coordinated with - <br /> j _ Chapel' Hill ' s North Commim4ty Park and Orange County ' s District Park plans , <br /> With final location to have the most effective service radius of one mile. <br /> Approval of use of payment in lieu funds for this purpose and authorization to - <br /> ed by the Board of Aldermen . Financing in 1. 999 - - - <br /> pursue specific properties is need <br /> 2000 depeadenf ou many factors that remain as unknowns at this time. Would need <br /> to be worked out as part of the eventual submittal of the CIP for the budget process . <br /> The Recreation and Parks Commission sincerely hopes that this type of process will work <br /> well to convey our recommendations to you. We will be glad to have a work session to <br /> discuss this matter at the appropriate time in your budget deliberations . Thank you . <br /> xc : Robert W . Aorgan <br /> Richard E . Kinney <br />