Orange County NC Website
. - <br />ii <br />-• -- <br />to provide for motor vehicle sales/rentals as permitted use in. the OC'3 <br />district. <br />VOTE: Lir~NIMOUS. . <br />~~ o~ r~rrcE m ~ cLES s IAt, <br />U5E_PERMI'~'5 FOR MIXFD USE C~' H~~ C STRU S (Amerdment recorded in full in <br />the official Ordax~ance Hook in the office of the Clerk to the Hoard.) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, sewrl3ed by Commissioner <br />Carey, to .approve the ant to the Zoning Ordinance to a11ow for the norr <br />residential and mixed use of historic structures, to revise Standards <br />of Evaluation as indicated by underlining, and to delete the word "FScteriar" in <br />item (c). <br />VDTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />8 ING I TEXT CLE 2 - OFD ION <br />Z~IING OE'FICER ,~T~~IE I!Y[HI'.IIATION) (A copy of the approved amprr7nrant is iR the <br />official Ordinance Hook in the office of the Clerk to the Board.) <br />motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Conmissioner <br />Marshall, to amend Section of the Zoning Ordinance to extend the time <br />period within which an appeal for an interpretation of a determination by the <br />Zoning Officer may be filed from fourteen (14) to thirty (30) days for <br />approval. <br />VOTE; UNANIMOUS. <br />Z ~ I TEXT t4ENt~ARTICI,E 3~'I~TCIAL Z A <br />CAL. (A copy of the approved amendment is in the official Ordinance Book <br />in the office of the Clerk to the Board.) <br />Motion .was made by Cmmnissioner Marshall, seconded by Commi.ssiot~r <br />Wallhoit, to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Article 3, to allow for replacement of <br />the Zoning Atlas by the Planning Department as needed. <br />vary: UNAnrzMOUS. <br />• 20. IVISION REGULA ON5 'L~X'r AN1ErDMIIJr-DEFINITI (A copy of the <br />approved text amendk-ent is in the official Ordinance book in the office of the <br />Clerk to the Eoard.) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner rarshall, seconded by Coannissianer <br />Carey. to amend the Subdivision Regulations replacing the current definition of <br />a ~'y~, ision - de~i.nec7 with the definition consistent with the Srate's g~eral <br />enabling legislation. <br />VOTE: (JNANZ,MOUS. <br />1. ZOr:Ir OPIaI TEXT ARTICLE 8 - p (A copy of the <br />approved text amenc~nent is in the official Ordinance Hook in the office of the <br />Clerk to the Board.) <br />Motion was ~dQ by Commissioner Carey. seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall, to amend Article 8 _~ ~ Use P?emits to require that the applicant <br />sutanit twenty-six (26) copies of a Class A t5pecial Use Permit site plan ark ten <br />(10) copies of a Class B Special Ose permit site plan to inset the submittal <br />requirements. <br />VOTE: UNAN~IWS. <br />10._ C¢NPUTEIt ~E, SALE . <br />Motion was made by Commissianer Lloyd, seconded by Corwnissioner <br />Carey- to continue the County's practice of sharing data processing software <br />with other public bodies at no charge, with the County retaining ownership• <br />rights of what it has developed, and to authorize a pricing and sales agreement <br />1,c Ao.,a~,,,,...a s.... .._..~__ - .. - - - <br /> <br />