Orange County NC Website
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Introduction <br /> Clean air is a national , state , and local goal , the importance of which is well recognized . <br /> The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Orange County has demonstrated their concern <br /> for protection of the environment and air quality in many actions that they have taken . In 1997 , <br /> the BOCC approved creation of the Commission for the Environment (CfE) . The mandate of the <br /> Commission is to advise the BOCC on matters affecting the environment, with particular <br /> emphasis on environmental protection. To assist the BOCC in identifying issues of concern to <br /> its constituents with respect to environmental quality , the Air Quality Committee of the CfE has <br /> prepared this report, which summarizes information about air quality in the County . It also <br /> includes goals and recommendations for actions that may maintain and/or improve air quality in <br /> the County . <br /> Status of Air Ouality in the County <br /> Under the Clean Air Act, passed by Congress in 1970 , and amended in 1990 , the U . S . <br /> Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets and enforces air pollutant limits . Although the <br /> Clean Air Act is a federal law, much of the work to carry out the act is performed by the states . <br /> North Carolina has a State Implementation Plan that describes how the state will meet the <br /> requirements of the Clean Air Act. <br /> Air pollutants of concern include " criteria" pollutants defined in the Clean Air Act and <br /> hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) The HAPs list of 188 pollutants includes a wide range of <br /> organic pollutants , such as benzene, 1 , 3 -butadiene, and formaldehyde, and inorganic pollutants <br /> such as mercury, arsenic , and cadmium . Air pollutants of concern include the following : <br /> Carbon monoxide (CO) Sulfur dioxide ( S02) <br /> Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Ozone (03 ) <br /> Inhalable particulate matter (PM10) Lead (Pb) <br /> Respirable particulate matter (PM2 .5) HAPs ( 188 compounds listed) <br /> The State of North Carolina Division of Air Quality is responsible for set up , <br /> maintenance, calibration, and operation of sites for monitoring air quality . Not all counties in the <br /> state have monitoring sites . The criteria for determining the locations of the monitoring sites <br /> vary by pollutant and depend on guidance given by EPA and the needs of the State of North <br /> Carolina to meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act . <br /> At this time , there are only two air monitoring I sites in Orange County . Both sites are <br /> located in Chapel Hill . They include the following : <br /> i <br />