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development in a way that preserves rural character, productive farms , critical habitat, <br /> and recreational open space . This is best done through guiding development away from : <br /> Biologically or ecologically sensitive areas such as wetlands , <br /> — critical habitat for the county ' s unique species , <br /> and those areas most productive for other uses such as farming , <br /> and encouraging clustered development in rural villages , activity nodes , and other areas <br /> most suitable for human habitation . Such planning which sites each use in its most <br /> appropriate area within the county creates a xichly diverse and productive landscape . <br /> Recommendations <br /> In addition to the studies mentioned above, the various committees working for the <br /> county have proposed strategies to address their particular area of concern . These groups <br /> should be encouraged to continue their work and to develop their studies into long-term <br /> policy recommendations . The BOCC should also see that the groups coordinate their <br /> planning and recommendations so that multiple solutions may be achieved within single <br /> proposals . In particular, the EIE Committee recommends that the Joint Master Recreation <br /> and Parks Work Group coordinate with the Bicycle . Task Force and the Land Resources <br /> Conservation Manager to examine ways in which open space might jointly or <br /> complementarily meet the needs of recreation, bikeways and critical habitat . <br /> The EIE Committee makes the following recommendations to address the rapid growth <br /> currently being experienced by the county . <br /> 1 . Immediately adopt and implement a farmland preservation plan . The EIE Committee <br /> recommends implementing both Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) and <br /> Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) for maximum flexibility in acquisition <br /> methods . Also include the Lands Legacy program as a preservation tool . <br /> 2 . Commit to updating and maintaining the Natural Areas Inventory as one of the <br /> county' s core tools for planning and guiding development . <br /> 3 . Commit funds to developing bikeways according to the Bicycle Plan of the Bicycle <br /> Plan Task Force , <br /> 4 . Commit funds to completing a report on Sustainability Indicators . <br /> 5 . Commit funds to public outreach, for educating the public on -the need to plan for the <br /> county ' s environmental future and for building support for the various tools and <br /> methods proposed . This would also include funding to disseminate the Sustainability <br /> Indicators report . It would also include funding to maintain and expand the county ' s <br /> environmental education website as developed by this committee and to promote it to <br /> the public . <br /> This committee also recommends that the county develop a cohesive plan for the <br /> protection of open space and that the ERCD revise and enhance existing tools and <br /> implement new tools for such protection. This committee recommends that the county <br /> adopt a resolution forthcoming from the Commission for the Environment regarding <br /> specific actions for the preservation of open space . <br />