Orange County NC Website
3 . 0 RECOMMENDED GOALS TO ADDRESS AIR QUALITY IN THE COUNTY <br /> In the Report of the Shaping Orange County s Future , the Environment and Resources <br /> Protection Committee set the following goals : <br /> 1 . Protect the respiratory health of all people ; Orange County should achieve and surpass <br /> ambient air quality standards . <br /> 2 . Create a community less dependent on the private auto . <br /> 3 . Discourage further highway construction in Orange County . <br /> 4 . Promote less polluting traffic patterns . <br /> 5 . Lobby for state inspection of heavy- duty trucks . <br /> 6 . Promote ownership of low emission motor vehicles . <br /> These are admirable goals that the County should address over the long term . We suggest that <br /> there are four primary goals that should be addressed in the short-term that will help meet the <br /> long -term goals , and may ultimately have significant impact air quality in the County . Those <br /> goals are the following . <br /> • Gain a better quantitative understanding of the sources of air pollution in the County and <br /> the relationship between air quality and mobile sources within and outside the County , <br /> • Gain a better understanding of transportation issues within the County and the region, <br /> • Identify and define the role of Orange County in regional transportation issues and <br /> planning , and <br /> • Reduce the impact of the County fleet on air quality . <br /> 4 . 0 NEEDS AND RECOMMENDED ACTIONS TO ADDRESS AIR QUALITY ISSUES <br /> IN THE COUNTY <br /> To address the goals identified by the CfE and Shaping Orange County ' s Future , there are <br /> a number of actions that that can be taken, including the following . <br /> 1 . The County should intensively lobby State and Federal Agencies to obtain more air <br /> quality data in and near the County in order to identify and control the major airborne <br /> sources that affect human health, environmental damage, and the quality of life in the <br /> County . Of particular concern is the lack of ozone air monitoring data in the County . <br /> 2 . The County should make an initiative to collect information to better understand regional <br /> transportation issues <br /> 3 . The County should determine what role it will take in addressing County and regional <br /> transportation issues . <br /> 4 . The County should evaluate its role in managing air quality in the County . <br /> 5 . The County should participate in groups addressing regional air quality issues . <br /> 6 . The County should take an active role in planning main travel corridors within the <br /> County and between regional jurisdictions . <br /> 10 <br />