Orange County NC Website
RANKING CRITERIA (MEASURES ) SCORE <br /> (points ) <br /> 1 Degree of congestion <br /> v/c = > 1 . 0 10 <br /> v/c between 0 . 90 and 0 . 99 5 <br /> v/c < 0 . 90 0 <br /> 2 Safety (Highway, Transit, Non -motorized, TDM) <br /> facility ( or aggregate) accident rate => 800 ACC/ 100 million vmt) 10 <br /> facility (or aggregate) accident rate 40M00 ACC/ 100 million vmt) 5 <br /> facility ( or aggregate) accident rate < 400 ACC/ 100 million vent) 0 <br /> 3 Coordinate with National Highway System (NHS) <br /> Part of NHS or key component of the Intermodal System on current/future NHS 10 <br /> Not part of NHS and key component of the Intermodal System 0 <br /> 4 Reduces use of single-occupant-vehicles (SOTI) <br /> (Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit or HOTS <br /> Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit or HOV Project 10 <br /> Non Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit or HOV Project 0 <br /> 5 Expands Transportation Choice <br /> (Transit, Bicycle or Pedestrian Features) <br /> Transit, bike , pedestrian ( all three modes) 10 <br /> Any 2 modes (transit, bike, pedestrian) 7 <br /> Anyx od (transit, bike, pedestrian) 3 <br /> No modes ( transit, bike , pedestrian) 0 <br /> 6 Addresses Air quality Problem/Concerns <br /> (Highway, Transit, Non -motorized, TDM, ITS) <br /> v/c = > 0 . 90 10 <br /> v/c < 0 . 90 0 <br /> 7 Has Minimal Impacts on the Natural Environment <br /> Does not extend into/adversely affect documented environmentally sensitive areas 10 <br /> Extends into/adversely affects documented environmentally sensitive areas 0 <br /> 8 Encourages Economic Development <br /> Primary purpose is economic development or redevelopment 10 <br /> Primary purpose is not economic development or redevelopment 0 <br /> 9 Adverse Impacts Do Not Disproportionately Affect Low <br /> Income Populations <br /> Does not adversely impact low income groups disproportionately 10 <br /> Adversely impacts low income groups disproportionately 0 <br /> 10 Funding Status in TIP <br /> Partially funded in current TIP 10 <br /> Unfunded in current TIP 0 <br />