Orange County NC Website
( 330 - 370 ACC/ 100 MVM) . 10 points are awarded for accident rates greater than 800 ACC/ 100 <br /> N VM . 5 points for rates between 400 and 800 ACC/ 100 MVM . Zero points are awarded for <br /> accident rates less than 400 ACC/ 100 NIVM . For bicycle and pedestrian projects , auto accidents <br /> may be used if bike/pedestrian features are being added to an existing facility or if the <br /> bicycle/pedestrian facility on new location will take bike/pedestrian traffic off an existing <br /> parallel road . <br /> Promotes National Highway System - Points are awarded for this item if the project is part of the <br /> existing or future National Highway System (NHS ) or an intermodal facility on an NHS route . <br /> (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) <br /> Reduces Use of Single Occupant Vehicles _ Points are awarded for this category if the project is a <br /> bike, pedestrian, transit or High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) project (traditional road projects do <br /> not qualify) (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) <br /> Expands Transportation Choices - Points are awarded for road projects that provide transit, <br /> bicycle and pedestrian features . ( all three [transit, bike and ped] features — 10 , two features — 7 , <br /> one feature - 3 , no features - 0 ) <br /> Addresses Air Quality Concerns - Points are awarded for this item if there is a high degree of <br /> congestion (V/C ratio greater than 0 . 9 ) or for bicycle , pedestrian and transit projects . <br /> (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) - <br /> Has Minimal Impacts on the Natural Environment - Points are awarded if the transportation <br /> project does not expand into or adversely affect documented environmentally sensitive areas . <br /> (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) <br /> Encourages Economic Development - Points are awarded for this item if the np , mart' purpose of <br /> the project is economic development or redevelopment . (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) <br /> Adverse Impacts Do Not Disproportionately Affect Low Income Populations - Points are awarded <br /> if the project does not affect low income groups disproportionately . This item is designed to <br /> penalize projects that may have negative impacts on low income areas or federally recognized <br /> disadvantaged groups . (Yes - 10 points ; No - 0 points) <br /> Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Status - Points are awarded for projects which are <br /> listed in the current Transportation Improvement Program . (Partially Funded- 10 points ; <br /> Unfunded Projects or Projects Not in the TIP - 0 points) <br /> Type of Transit Project - Points are awarded for transit replacement projects . This category <br /> applies to transit projects only . (Replacement Projects - 10 points ; New Projects — 0 points ) <br /> 3 . Projects receiving the same number of project criteria points are ordered by generally giving priority <br /> to projects included in last year ' s Regional Priority List. A lower priority is given to new project <br /> requests with the same number of criteria points . <br /> 4 . When the resulting order of the projects with the same number of criteria points are inconsistent with <br /> the order of local priorities , the order of those projects may be reordered . <br />