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~~~ 4 <br />over the number currently existing; and <br />f. Access is not shifted from a lower classified/volume street to <br />a higher classified/volume street. <br />{2) The division of land into parcels greater than 10 acres if no street <br />right=of-way dedication is involved. <br />(3) The public acquisition by purchase of strips of land for widening or <br />opening streets. <br />(4) The division of a tract .in single ownership of the entire area of <br />which is no greater than two acres into not more than three lots, if <br />no street right-of way dedication is involved and if the resultant lots <br />are equal to or exceed the standards of the County as shown by its <br />subdivision regulations. <br />The surveyor and/or Planning Department shall also certify on the plat as <br />required by GS 47-30(f)(11). <br />SECTION 2: AMEND THE MINOR SUBDIVISION APPROVAL PROCEDURE TO LIMIT THE TIME IN WHICH <br />THE MYLAR FOR AN APPROVED PLAT MAY BE SUBMITTED FOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />ENDORSEMENT. ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGUL4TIDN$, SECTION III-C APPROVAL <br />PROCEDURES FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION, IS AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO <br />THE BEGINNING OF SECTION III-C-4 ACTION SUBSEQUENT TO APPROVAL: <br />III-C-4. Action Subsequent to Approval <br />From the date of approval of a Final Plat, with or without conditions, by the <br />Planning Department, the applicant shall have one (1) year in which #o submit to <br />the Planning Department for endorsement a reproducible mylar original of the <br />Final Plat. The Planning Director or his/her authorized agent may grant, upon <br />written request from the applicant, an extension of this time limit to one-year from <br />the original date of expiration. <br />The Planning Director ar his/her designated representative shall endorse approval on a <br />reproducible mylar original of the Final Plat if the Planning Department approves an <br />application either with or without conditions. The applicant shall record such plat and any <br />associated documents necessary to assure conformance with regulations in the OfFicer of <br />the Register of Deeds within ninety (90) days after the Planning Director's endorsement of <br />approval. If such plat is not recorded within the specified time period, the minor <br />subdivision plat is void. The Planning Director may extend this deadline provided the <br />applicant can demonstrate a good faith effort to comply with the deadline, but for reasons <br />beyond his/her control, fails to meet the requirements far recordation within that period. <br />All such plats shall conform to drawing specifications and certification requirements for <br />Final Plats contained in Section V-D of this Ordinance. <br />Recordation of the approved final plat, and auxiliary documentation as required in the <br />conditions of preliminary plat approval shall be with the advice and consent of the <br />C:•\franennHafinn\nrivafwrnarlc\nrrlain mav29nnh dnr. <br />