Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:8433EODF-BA45-445A-8ECO-92271C65CC98 <br /> AV 1.r'S <br /> ENGINEERING,INC. <br /> January 8,2020 <br /> Summit Design and Engineering Services <br /> 302 Executive Court <br /> Hillsborough,NC 27278 <br /> Subject: Proposal for Waterproofing and Building Exterior Consulting Services <br /> Orange County Storm Drainage Repairs <br /> Atlas Engineering Job No.J2405 <br /> Attention: Mr.Don Sever,PE—Senior Project Manager <br /> Dear Mr. Sever: <br /> In accordance with your request, Atlas Engineering is pleased to submit to you the following <br /> proposal for provision of waterproofing and building exterior design, bid assistance,and services <br /> during construction associated with a larger storm water repair project at four(4)Orange County <br /> facilities. This proposal includes our understanding of the project information, proposed scope of <br /> services,and fee for professional services. <br /> Project Information <br /> Our understanding of the project is based on information provided in the original Request for <br /> Qualifications, a January 2, 2020 pre-proposal meeting with Summit Design and Engineering <br /> Services (Summit) and Orange County Asset Management Services personnel to discuss the <br /> project,and documents provided for our preliminary review(property information and issues). <br /> Summit Design and Engineering Services will be contracting with Orange County to provide <br /> engineering services for repair of storm water drainage and other associated site and building <br /> repairs at the following four(4)sites in Hillsborough,North Carolina: <br /> • Whitted Complex at 300 W. Tryon Road; <br /> • Board of Elections at 208 S.Cameron Street; <br /> • Sheriff's Office at 106 E.Margaret Lane; <br /> • Public Transportation Building at 600 Highway 86 North. <br /> Each of the buildings have varying severity of water intrusion,that may or may not be due to issues <br /> with below grade wall conditions, and some sites have isolated damage to the building exterior. <br /> Atlas will be a subconsultant to Summit and has been asked to submit a proposal for providing <br /> evaluation, design, bidding assistance, and services during construction associated with <br /> waterproofing and building exterior repair scope. <br /> Proposed Scope of Services <br /> Evaluation and Desi n Phase: <br /> I. Document:Review: Review available architectural drawings, technical reports, maintenance <br /> records,and repair history for the buildings as provided by the Owner through Summit. Review <br /> of topographic surveys and any testing/evaluation data obtained by Summit from the Owner or <br /> through their fieldwork at the project sites. <br /> 2. Fieldwork: Perform fieldwork to evaluate areas of reported water intrusion at exterior walls <br /> and below grade conditions. Reported areas of water intrusion include the rear of the Central <br />