Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:8433EODF-BA45-445A-8ECO-92271C65CC98 <br /> the existing stormwater management systems for necessary storm water <br /> management improvements in the exterior area directly related to the northern wall <br /> of the facility. The scope includes stormwater drainage improvements, removal of <br /> old drainage piping, building waterproofing, site grading changes, and related <br /> landscaping. This scope also includes the removal of the existing septic system and <br /> connecting this facility to the sanitary sewer lateral serving the Motor Pool building. <br /> Orange County Transportation Services Motor Pool Background (600 Hwy 86N) <br /> The existing Orange County Transportation Services Motor Pool facility was built in <br /> 1995. Over the past 10 years as services for Orange County have expanded the <br /> storage and capacity at the Motor Pool facility including the evidence storage for the <br /> Orange County Sheriff's Office and the fleet parking for the Orange County Public <br /> Transportation services has become limited and constrained. <br /> Orange County Transportation Service Motor Pool Scope (600 Hwy 86N The <br /> scope of work shall include performing a study of the existing site in the two areas <br /> identified on the attached sketch. <br /> i; f. <br />