Orange County NC Website
A CRISIS FOCUS <br /> page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />Proposal Overview <br /> <br />Request: <br />At the request of Jim Northrup, CIO for Orange County, North Carolina, Crisis Focus, LLC respectfully submits <br />the following proposal to provide an After Action Reporting (AAR) process and documents for the response phase <br />of the Orange County Cyber Security Incident from 2019 <br />Impetus: <br />In the spring of 2019, a targeted cyber-attack significantly impacted the operations of Orange County’s computer <br />networks. Orange County worked with numerous partners during the following months to respond to and recover <br />from the complex incident. <br />The stakeholders involved with incident support the concept of continual improvement in all systems impacting <br />life safety issues in the community. Therefore, an After Action Reporting process has been requested to ensure <br />that the community continues to improve its response, coordination and collaboration efforts for future events. <br /> <br />Project Components <br /> <br />The sections below describe each key milestones and event proposed by Crisis Focus, LLC to meet the stated <br />goals of the project. <br />Project Planning Meeting <br />Upon project initiation, a meeting with key leadership will take place to finalize project timelines and project <br />deliverables. During this meeting, the key stakeholders will work with Crisis Focus staff to develop the survey <br />instrument(s) for distribution to the larger stakeholder groups. Additionally, key dates and logistics will be set <br />for future project elements. This is anticipated to be a 1-2 hour virtual meeting. <br /> <br />Survey Design and Implementation <br />Based on feedback received through the Project Planning Meeting, Crisis Focus will develop the draft survey <br />instrument(s) and distribute them electronically to the Key Stakeholder Group. The stakeholders will have a <br />predetermined time to make any recommended changes or edits to questions before survey finalization. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 4870BACA-87ED-4464-8D5A-5C271BB2DB6F