Orange County NC Website
~+ <br />4 i r;v ~.: <br />l- .. .,.. <br />ARTICLE 8.6 and 8.8 -APPLICATION COMPONENTS "Yes <br /> <br /> <br />indicates com liance• "No" indicates non-com liance <br /> PLANNING STAFF EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO PLANNING BOARD <br /> FINDINGS SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br />Ordinance Reauirements <br />8.B -Application submitted on x Yes ~,,; No A complete application on Yes <br />No <br />forms providing full and appropriate forms has been _ <br />____ <br />accurate description of submitted. <br />proposed use, including <br />location, appearance and <br />operational characteristics <br />8.8 a) -Twenty-six (2fi) copies x Yes _ No Twenty-six copies of the site Yes <br />No <br />of the site plan prepared by a plan prepared by Michael R. _ <br />~ <br />registered land, surveyor or Whitfield, Professional <br />engineer Surveyor, have been submitted. <br />8.8 B) -- Elevations of all x Yes No <br />~ ~ Elevations have been Yes <br />No <br />proposed structures to be used submitted. Applicant proposes _ <br />_ <br />in the development to utilize existing house for Bed <br /> & Breakfast. No changes to <br /> the existing building are <br /> proposed as part of Special Use <br /> Permit. <br />8.8 c) - A fee, as set by the x Yes _ No 5720.85 application fee has _ Yes _ No <br />Board of County been paid. <br />Commissioners <br />ARTIC_LE_14.2.2 -SUBMITTAL RECtUIREMENTS ("Yes" indicates compliance; "No" indicates non-compliance) <br />PLANNING STAFF EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO PLANNING BOARD <br />FINDINGS SUPPORT FINDINGS FINDINGS <br />Ordinance Reauirements <br />a) Twenty-six (26) copies of x Yes ~ No <br />the site plan submitted <br />b) Site plan application form x Yes _ No <br />c) A copy of the Orange x Yes _ No <br />County Tax Map with the <br />subject property identified <br />d) Legal documentation x Yes _ No <br />establishing entities responsible <br />for control of common areas <br />and facilities to be approved by <br />the County Attorney <br />26 copies submitted as <br />previously referenced in 8.8a. <br />Appropriate application form <br />has been submitted. <br />Tax Map has been submitted. <br />The applicant, Elizabeth P. <br />Davidson is the owner of the <br />property. There are no <br />common areas proposed. <br />__.__ Yes _ No <br />Yes _ No <br />Yes No <br />Yes ~ No <br />ARTICLE 14.2.3 - SPECIFIGATION FOR PLAN PREPARATION "Yes" indicates com liance• "No" indicates <br />non-compliance) <br />Ordinance Reauirements <br />a) Boundary of lot labeled with <br />bearings and distances <br />bl Name, address, and phone <br />number of the' applicant/ <br />property owner <br />PLANNING STAFF <br />FINDINGS <br />x Yes No <br />x Yes ~ No <br />EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO <br />SUPPORT FINDINGS <br />Provided on site plan. <br />Provided on the site plan. <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />FINDINGS <br />Yes No <br />Yes ^ No <br />