Orange County NC Website
~.. ~ <br />~`~~`~"~ ~`~~ proposed lot limes with dimensions <br /> lot Sc block numbers <br />N~ >< <br />•: phasing line(s) <br />x `~ ropography at tea (10) foot intervals <br />~ „ water bodies, streams, flaodways and <br /> floodplaias <br />S1A'~:: ~~ <br />~ saeam bti$ers <br />g '~' <br />~~ ~ ~~ ~ focatian and size of parcels dedicamd far <br />. public use, re+~onal usa or reserved in <br /> common. with purpose noted <br /> <br />. ~: <br />~L ~:Y <br />impervious surface data (if Iopted is <br /> water supply watxr*.~hed) <br />.~..~ vicinity map showing general location of <br /> subdivision with streets and. roads <br /> identified by State Road number cad name <br />-- x :, landscaping cad littEfer requirements <br />),Tg ~'' township, corporate and . <br /> planamg]u=tsdicdaa lines which cznss the <br /> 1~Fa'tY <br />C. <br />OTFIEIt SUBMITTAL REQTIR~'L'S <br />1. Twenty-flue (?5) copies oi`the Prelimiaai Plat <br />~L. >~ horizontal, alignment, centeriiae radius, <br />and general curve data on all proposed <br />streets <br />~g '. ° .. permanent feat~es such as buildings, <br />cemeteries, historic landmarks <br />~, t~,.:=,..:, adjoining lot layovx names of adjoining <br />praperry owners, If subdivided, <br />subdivision plat name, plat book & page <br />number, cad per~,ener lot cumbers. <br />~ :~ .. ~ lac~rioa cad size of lots of restricmd <br />development potential and noradott an <br />. p~ n~azding same <br />~.' ~ ~ a-tarmwatpr detetrtion aad/orre~ntion <br />sites and undisturbed areas far infltrarion <br />purposes (if located in water supply <br />watxeshed) <br />NA s ide>nified natnra! areas and wildlife <br />conidors <br />2. One full size copy of as Ordage Caunry Tax map (with tax parcels involved clearly marloed). <br />3. Where municipal or QWASA sewer is not availaiile, a espy of the Preliminary Plat indicatiamg Health <br />Deparmxem appravalldenialfnr each lot; shown thereon, <br />~• UVhere a private road is proposed, a written statement by the applicant or his/her authorized representative <br />which sets forth the jusitificatian fur a private road (see Secdon 1V-S-~~»1 of the Orange County Subdivision <br />Regttiations). <br />5. Auxiliary documea~, in draft form, prepared is accordance with Section VI of this Ordinance which. assure <br />completion and/or maintenance ox improvements rer}uired by this Ordinance. Such documents may include, <br />but not be limited to, a private road maimenaare a}+eemettt and articles of incorporation and restrictive <br />covenants pertia,ining co a homeowners association. These documents may be required as necessary as eviaence <br />that the ordinance requiremmrs are being met: <br />d. Fee -5470 plus $5.00 per lot (one fee for Preliminary cad Final Plat). <br />7. If the subdivision camanas 101ats or mars, the following information shall be submitted with the application: <br />a. Numbet•ofyeanstobuildout. 3 1/2 years <br />b. Numita of houses to be built during each year until huildouz; 10 -15 <br />a Average pxica oft houses inaindmg lots for east year w buildout: 1 ~ 5 , 0 0 0 <br />>7 ~ apphcaat, herel~Y cerQl~- ~~ ~ applitstt~ is ca~lleLe and. arm <br />CANT'S SIGNA <br />a ~ <br />:A'IE <br />0 ' S SIGNATURE <br />la.~ s e~ <br />DA <br />r~S: Amount Dane Paid R,ecoipt m <br />