Orange County NC Website
TABLE OF CONTENTS <br />SERVICE STANDARD APPROACH <br />PROJECT FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS <br />Section 1 -Project Data <br />Project Name, Township, School District <br />Beginning Year, Ending Year, Inflation <br />Characteristics of Households <br />Construction Schedule/Cost Data <br />Section 2 -Local Govemment and School District Data <br />Budget Year <br />Per Capita Revenues <br />Per Capita Expenditures <br />Per Student Expenditures <br />School District Per Employee Expenditures <br />Employees Per 1000 Population <br />County Per Employee Expenditure <br />Other Data <br />Other Model Constants <br />School District Data <br />Section 3 -Demographic Projections Based On Project Data <br />Total Housing <br />Total Population <br />School~Children <br />Additional County Employees <br />Total <br />School District Additional Employees <br />Section 4 -Projected Net Fiscal Impact on County <br />Tax Base <br />Revenues <br />Expenditures <br />Net Fiscal Impact <br />Section 5 -Projected Net Fiscal Impact on School District <br />Revenues <br />Expenditures <br />Net Fiscal Impact <br />Section 6 -Summary of Projected Impacts <br />Additional Housing <br />Additional Population <br />Additional School Children <br />Tax Base <br />County Govemment Balance <br />School District Balance <br />Total Net Fiscal Impact <br />Section 7 -Summary of Projected Public School Capacity Impacts <br />