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Callemyn pointed out that the landscaping plan was a joint effort between the developer and the staff. <br />Benedict said that he would also like to see a detailed landscape plan with plant types, etc. Callemyn said <br />that they were working on the list of species of plants and spacing. He said that they were instructed by the <br />staff to bring something more visual to the Planning Board. <br />7 Woods asked if there would be any pedestrian walkways or sidewalks on Virginia Lee Lane, which is the <br />8 through street that connects High Rock Road to Mill Creek Road. Callemyn said that there were pedestrian <br />9 paths that cut through the open space. There are no pedestrian walkways along the street. <br />10 <br />11 Woods said that a flue-foot sidewalk could be put in without great expense to allow for neighborhood <br />12 visitation and walking through the neighborhood. He asked Callemyn if he objected to this. Callemyn said <br />13 that they have gone way beyond the requirements. He said that one of his employees owns a home in a <br />14 subdivision adjacent to this project and could probably not afford to buy a lot in this development because of <br />1 S all of the costs involved. <br />16 <br />17 Allison commended the developers for the hard work and the improvement to the project over the last month. <br />18 Strayhorn agreed. <br />19 <br />20 Ralph Edwards, a landowner of adjacent property, said that he was concerned about the children wandering <br />21 onto his property where there are bulls and cows. He said that he would like some protection from lawsuits <br />22 because of all the property that he owns. He said that he was in agreement with Mr. Roll. <br />23 <br />24 <br />2S <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />37 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />47 <br />48 <br />49 <br />SO <br />S1 <br />52 <br />53 <br />Callemyn said that he has talked to Mr. Edwards about the cattle, and any fence that he puts up on his side, <br />they will also back off and put up a fence to protect the property and the cattle. <br />MOTION: Selkirk moved to accept the Preliminary Plan for High Rock Village as <br />recommended by the staff, with the proviso that the detailed landscape plan <br />will be presented to the Planning Board within 30 days. Seconded by <br />Preston. <br />Scliofleld said that he understands the guiding principles of flexible development as a balance between <br />preservation and development. He said that with this plan the issue is linkage of the primary conservation <br />areas. He suggested removing some lots and providing linkage between the conservation areas, which would <br />increase lot size and address the concerns of some of the neighbors. He said that this would provide a <br />functional environmental corridor, which would enhance the overall plan and support rural character. <br />Callemyn said that this was close to one of the flue designs that were considered. He said that staff and EMS <br />wanted a connecting road. <br />Benedict said that the plan was a balance between transportation connectivity and open space connectivity. <br />He said that 41 lots with only one access road was too much. <br />Woods said that the general plan was very good and he appreciates that. He said that adding a sidewalk on <br />the through road only would increase the average cost ofthe houses by $910, which is less than 1%. He said <br />that sidewalks on through streets are generally a good idea and are required in many jurisdictions. <br />VOTE: <br />Unanimous <br />Benedict said that McGowan Creek subdivision was not on the agenda tonight. However, based on a <br />meeting last Friday, the applicant said that they would like it on this agenda. He said that it was their right to <br />have it heard at tonight's meeting. The boazd agreed to add this at the end of the agenda. <br />