OUTBoard Minutes 112019
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard Minutes 112019
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Last modified
2/4/2020 10:18:54 AM
Creation date
2/4/2020 10:18:52 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Approved 1/15/20 <br />4 <br />160 <br />161 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7: INFORMATION ITEMS162 <br />163 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7A: NCDOTCOMPLETE STREETS POLICY Q&A(NISH TRIVEDI)164 <br />165 <br />Nish Trivedi: Hanna Cockburn came to the MPO meeting and stressed that transportation plans/projects have to be 166 <br />locally adopted or regionally adopted for them to actually implement the Complete Street policy.167 <br />168 <br />Heidi Perry: What that means is that if we saw a street that we thought should have a sidewalk or a bike lane, in 169 <br />order to make it a Complete Street, somehow we need to have that in a plan and we have to adopt it and recommend 170 <br />that the Board of County Commissioners adopt it so that DOT will pay for that when they do the improvements. If we 171 <br />don’t do that then they’ll help us but we have to pay the money. It’s really important to have a plan.172 <br />173 <br />Nish Trivedi: One of the things approved this past year was the Efland/Buckhorn/Mebane Access Management Plan 174 <br />with sidewalks and bike lanes that plan we can use Complete Streets for that area.175 <br />176 <br />177 <br />AGENDA ITEM 7B:TDMPLANUPDATE (NISH TRIVEDI)178 <br />179 <br />Nish Trivedi provided updates180 <br />181 <br />Several members asked about reflectors and striping in the rural areas and how get included during resurfacing and 182 <br />who to contact. Request was made to get follow up information from Chuck Edwards/NCDOT.183 <br />184 <br />Nish Trivedi: We can keep a running list of resurfacing projects and what streets need the reflectors, etc. so that if a 185 <br />resurfacing happens it can be flagged that NCDOT needs to put reflectors on that street because it is on our small 186 <br />projects lists, same thing with any signage that NCDOT puts out as well.187 <br />188 <br />Randy Marshall: How often do we get the resurfacing list?189 <br />190 <br />Nish Trivedi: We get an annual updated list every year. I can send you the resurfacing lists. 191 <br />192 <br />Randy Marshall: We were going to ask the Sheriff if it would be possible to get a deputy at that the intersection by 193 <br />the bridge on Orange Grove Road. Did anyone follow up on that?194 <br />195 <br />Nish Trivedi: No, not yet right now we are working with NCDOT regarding a study they are offering to find out what 196 <br />can be done to improve that area. I will check to see what we can do about taking to the Sheriff’s Office.197 <br />198 <br />199 <br />AGENDA ITEM 8:ADJOURNMENT 200 <br />Motion to adjourn.201 <br />202 <br />____________________________________ <br />Art Menius, Chair
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